Friday, October 8, 2010

The March Contiues

Okay so here it is Friday the 8Th of October. It is absolutely beautiful outdoors. I am sitting here at the dinning room table looking out the bay window ant the chickens and squirrel scurrying around. Yes I am blessed I would be even more blessed if I was out there enjoying the sunshine. I have work to do. So I will sit here and work on Photos. I have been blessed the last few weeks with wonderful flow of work. I took a family whom the Daughter and Son in law are close friends and we went to some battlefields and did a photo shoot so beautiful. I had so much fun! Hoping they love the Photos as much as I do.

As for my Healthy life style I am down 6 lbs WOW I freaking flipped out I was shocked I guess this counting point thing does work. :-D Who knew and it is so easy! I am continuing my daily work outs and eating healthy and I feel great! I love that I can eat what I want but I hold myself accountable for the mishaps So I am learning.

My ridding lessons are on hold it seems we all are doing the fall get aways. I am looking forward to seeing friends I have not seen in over a year. I so wished we lived closer. Of course I would prefer to live closer to them Mountain cool weather no bugs yes sounds like heaven until the winter dumps 5 ft of snow on ya. LOL
Well guess I need to scoot and do some work.
Eat healthy Be strong IN the end it will all be worth it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Good morning! I hope this finds you in Great favor and in an up lifted mood. Sometimes we do not look at the spiritual side of working out.
God put us here to enjoy all the wonderful things and sometimes we find us over enjoying. Of course this is the conclusion I have found myself in since I married. Competitively eating with my husband who can put the food down.
My weight loss journey has been tuff. I actually stepped away from working out for a bit over the summer I enjoyed it but in a weird way missed it. Who knew I could miss sweating and putting myself through pain.
I have had a few loss's that can cause depression but God held me up and pushed me through those times. I get extremely depressed when I work out and am not changing. I find that to be a test in itself.
I am now working on the Wii Fit plus I do 30 minutes of the yoga. Then I will change over to the Wii Active ~more~ and do 30 minute of aerobic Step fast. I love this because this burns so many calories. Also I do the dance segment on the first Wii active.
I let a friend borrow the Wii active more yesterday. I found this to be tough since I use it practically everyday. It also gives me the option to do something different. Change who likes that?

Stay strong ask for the strength and amazing how God will give it to you. Determination,Inspiration and Dedication! Three things we have in life and Support from friends. They say you should hang out with healthy like minded people. Well, Most of my friends are skinny. So what am I supposed to live in a hole and not see anyone. LOL. Not I just have to be determined and stick to my dedication and get the support I need from friends. In the end We are thankful for what we have and the journey it took to get me here.
I hope you will come and join in the fun to a fitter you. I know the feeling of failure the feeling of not achieving goals. It is not about the fall you may take it is about the opportunity you do not grasp to take your life back and take control of who you are as an individual. I do not want to be the person with the number on my back in a clinic or having serious health issues. I prefer to face the fear to tackle the weight and to enjoy my life as a healthy woman not terrified of being over weight or struggling to walk or breath.
Your choice to be a healthier you. It is your decision as well as Mine. I am here for all my friends support a shoulder for when we fall and arms pumped in the air for great success. I have High hopes for all my friends who have decided to become determined, inspired and dedicated to saving themselves!
Hugs and much love.
Time to go work out!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blaze Time

I have really enjoyed this past week. I started Playing and ridding Blaze who I have dubbed the wonder horse. He is so amazing. I am truly blessed.
Blaze and I went out on our first trail ride by ourselves and he did great. Deer being jumped squirrels scurrying along the path doves flying out of the thicket he stiffened up but did not flinch. He made me so proud. We also rode right along RT 10 motorcycles semis and cars seem not to phase Blaze in the least.
Of course I pray every time I jump on for a safe and good ride. I have been blessed thus so far. Of course If it is not a good ride there is a lesson to learn.

Well I finally finished editing photos that where taken at a shoot in the OBX. The Family was extremely Happy for their photos and they turned out beautifully.

I have the drive to photograph and I am Loving my life so Taking it one day at a time.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The ride Goes on!

I know I know it has been such a long time!
Summer was Great Hotter then the typical Virginia summer. I lived in the pool or in the house.
We did get to go on vacation. We really enjoyed our time. We went to Corolla NC even though it was cut short do to Hurricane Earl.
Now school is back in and time is continuing on. I started a Bible study today on the book of Ruth. I think this will be a wonderful study.
I decided since Homer is in school and has not had much time to do anything extra besides the half to get done list I should start working Blaze. I took him out today and we had an absolutely wonderful 2 hour ride. He is so much fun to ride! He is a little on the lazy side But he was a good boy and he really showed me some really nice flexion. He is such a talented boy.
Nicole came out today and ground worked Doc. Molly is doing great with Giving beginner ridding lessons. Seems like life is a blessing every day.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The New day!

Well, it has been much change in my life since my last post. I went from working 40 plus hours a week to no job. It is all good though. Long story short. I was never sure what my job really was the owner and manager went on vacation the same week. The manager comes back Myself and another no longer have a job we both where hired with in days of one another. Yes, a temp job that they forgot to inform us was a temp.
Oh well. It was fun and I learned much from the publishing end of things.
My focus is on my business. I am getting things together to start sending samples of my work off to hopefully be selected to sell though magazines stores whatever my mind decides may be a good plan.
I recently did a baby photo shoot. It was so much fun spent the day taking tons of pictures and they came out beautifully. I sometimes forget how great photography can be. Me being so judgmental of myself can consume the mind and cause so much devastation to my work.
I am so happy to be home and taking care of my husband and spending time with the horses and dogs again. It is an adjustment but I am okay with what Gods plans are for me.
May the road be bumpy but the destination be worth it?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Time Fly's

It has been awhile! It has been so busy and time just slips right away from me it is amazing where it all goes. Well I guess I should say where do I start!
Guess one place is better then none.
Blaze Is doing wonderful All the horses look as if they have been through a battle Blaze is getting the brunt of the biting but he is tough skinned he just has not gumption to move. NO one has come up lame or to the point of bleeding so I will let them be horses and pray that this will soon stop and all the pretty fur baby's will be back to normal. I have notice Blaze a little less then a week ago was head of the herd. Yes short lived but thought it was extremely interesting. He told Molly and Doc to watch out and they did as told. Blaze and I are spending some time at liberty together if he chooses to be with me great if not that is okay as well. He has been following me around the pasture's like a puppy dog even when I am cutting the grass he is out there with me. He loves for me to scratch him all over and brush him and I am so happy he is allowing me to do all this at liberty and he is becoming a happier boy about this as well. Of course he is Homers Boy! If Homer is out there he wants nothing to do with me. That is okay as well. I prefer them to have that bond I just want him to know to respect me as well. I have not been caring the Carrot stick or whip with me to the Barn the last few weeks. He has learned we do not tolerate miss behavior and if he is a good boy he will get a little extra snack in his bucket. He is still moody in the face Not sure why he is like that but Every day is better then the last.
I finally was able to get out today and get a ride in on Molly It was such a beautiful morning. We did some Round Pen exercises and took off for a well needed trail ride. I decided to ride English Boy it has been a while. It was nice though I Love western But there is something about my English saddle and ridding a gaited horse. The Love of the Show horse and the urge to show again. Yeah then I realize the Political craze's involved with showing horses and prefer to stay to myself. Happy to be right where I am at in life.
Doc is going to be getting worked I hope very soon. I met a wonderful Girl who is in her 20's and has been ridding since 5. She has experience working young warm bloods and many other breeds. Hopefully that will work out and Doc will be getting some well needed exercises as well.
Last night I finally broke down and started tearing the bathroom apart. We where suppose to start this a week or so ago but things kept coming up. Things that would continue to come up and never get this project done. So I took the initiative and went to work Homer soon followed suit and helped So we have the closet ripped out most of the floor trim gone. We still have so much more to do But I know once the bathroom is gutted we will know what we will be facing.
YES ! On top of all this we are building a chicken house. A larger one that is. We have a chicken shack right now but With us trying to grow our flock we need more space more layer boxes and more perches. Homer has been busy drawing up that to figure out the cost of this.
I have been slowly getting flower beds done and finished. It is a never ending job. The Garden is in but we are battling the Cooler spring weather so we have had to plant Cucumber seeds and watermelon seeds since the plants did not make it though the cooler night air we have been facing.
We have finally chosen a house to stay at for Vacation. I am extremely happy since mom will be coming most of the week. We will have a friend stay at the house during the week we are gone and hopefully see if a Friend would mine coming and feeding the horses. I prefer someone who knows about horses to take care of them while we are gone. I am extremely excited Weston will get to go with us this year. He loves the water but this will be his first time at the beach.
WORK ! Well it is what it is! I have been staying busy with Pre prom pictures. Very Happy with the way they came out and the Groups where so great to photograph. I am getting ready to have the photos finished with a check mark beside them. I am so excited.
My health well the cold has passed thank the Lord! I started a 6 week challenge to get my butt in gear and get to being back on a healthier standing ground. I have been so Unmotivated and a slug. I sure do feel so much better after I work out and I have all this energy. I love it!
Well That is about all the new I think. I sure hope I did not miss anything.
Be happy Be healthy!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just another Up day

Well It has been a while! I know busy as can be. Amazingly things are going wonderfully.
Blaze Doc and Molly are getting along for the most part lots of ear pinning from the group but for the most part it is just ear pinning. Blaze is the low man on the to tum pole. Molly and Doc seem to switch there alpha positions all day I find this interesting to watch.
Homer has had his first trail ride on Blaze they both did wonderful. We have learned my saddle fits great with a thin pad so we know what we need to order when we finally get around to it. I love ridding in my English saddle so when ever Homer decides to find a saddle he loves it will all work out. Blaze has a show horse mentality. Something I am so use to with the saddlebreds. GO GO GO! I have realized as I have been playing with him He has had some serious show training in his back ground this kiddo has not been trained for trails. This is why he does not care for arena work he has been drilled so much with it in his early years before he started natural horsemanship and being able to be a horse and not a robot he is coming along well though.
Today I gave Blaze and Molly a bath. Boy They where both pretty dirty Blaze gets impatient and starts pawing yet another sign of being tied and becoming bored at a young age. WOW!! I am so glad I have worked in show barns and breeding barns to know what We have when we have it. I brought the clippers out to see how Blaze did he put his head down and was okay with it Not sure if he was clipped by Martha or not but he does not mind at all he almost loved it. The bath the pampering the clipping.
Molly as always stands she loves her bath she will fall asleep. I did do a little clipping on her what took me an hour to do last time took me less then 5 minutes this go around. I was sitting in a chair while I did it as well. Lots of break through and accomplishments.
As for me personally I am doing wonderful I have had so much fun with the horses and family and church family and friends it is amazing. I am so blessed and know every day is a gift from God.
The weather has been completely wonderful. It has been in the 70 until yesterday and today we are actually hitting close to 90 but temps will be dropping again a northern storm is going to hit us later in the week to bring spring like temps again.
Homer is on the way home. Hopefully going to get the garden tilled up so we can start planting this weekend while the temps are wonderful.
Be happy be healthy.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Better Late then Never!

Sorry Been awhile!

Blaze Update Tonight was the first afternoon or few hours that I turned all three horses out together. Doc just herded Molly away from Blaze Blaze was just happy to eat and be left alone. So I will turn out everyone again in the morning So they can spend the day together. Blaze is getting so much better about the ugly faces and Homer and Blaze are bonding well. I have been so busy this past week and weekend I have not been able to do much on top of that it has been Raining and Boy it was ALOT of rain. The mud is now drying up and we are having the typical march winds. Blaze is getting to be comfortable beside the dog run to the point he likes making them bark at him. Then he turns his butt to them. Drives the Dogs CRAZY! Oh I decided to let Molly and Blaze be in the back pasture together last night. I woke to find out that he has jumped the fence and was in a small wooded Fenced in lot. Blaze is fine a few scratches but nothing major. I walked the fence line and found out that a tree had fallen and Blaze jumped/walked over the fence and that is how he was most likely scratched. Very thankful he was AOK.
I picked up my camera today so much to see and take photos of today the skys where clear and the birds where out and about So I did get many photos I just need to upload the pictures I will get around to it maybe tomorrow.
Well I am a little on the tired side tonight spent most of the day running. Need to start cleaning for Easter dinner. The Inlaws are coming over Very excited to have them come for Dinner.
Be happy be healthy.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Yes! I have Learned that Blaze has some sort of frog gene in his background. That horse Jumps a little log as if he is attempting to jump the grand canyon. Amazing!
Blaze is coming along really great. Today was the first day he felt safe enough to Bask in the sun and sleep I went out and He did not feel threatened of me walking out to rub on him and take some pictures. He just laid there and watched me enjoyed the rub and Watched me walk away. I went out this afternoon to play He Does all his games so well and with very little effort he gets what I ask and he is extremely responsive. So I decided to use my driving harness and do a little ground driving we worked in the Round Pen to make sure he understood what I was going to ask from him. He tried spinning and backing and I just stood there and let him have a temper tantrum and then he realized he was not getting any reaction from me and just stopped. He then decided maybe it was not worth being silly and he moved forward. Blaze responded to the Driving well. I decided to take him out and drive him around the yard and In some new areas to see how he would do. He stopped and looked around and I let Blaze take in all the new surroundings. We moved forward I decided to take blaze for a drive/walk up the drive. Quarter mile trail drive. He did absolutely wonderful. He took in his environment absorbed what was being asked of him. I even had him stop and stand and look around No panic no freak outs calm and Happy ears forward relaxed. It was a wonderful experience for him and I both. I have learned his game though when he does not want to do something he spins or backs or jumps around acting like a goof ball of course me giving no reaction and letting him get over his own issue he seemed to give it up.
As for he Ugly faces he is becoming a little better each day about that. He is now approaching meals a little happier. I did have to drive him off his hay due to an ugly face this morning but he turn licked his lips ear forward and i asked him to come back happily he did and had a better attitude.
Molly is Doing well She is putting her weight back on and I think she loves just being locked in her stall for meals. Not feeling she is going to be chased off her hay. So I do not mind the extra work and She seems to be content with the situation.
Doc has been a little moodier I am hoping that Doc and Blaze get along when that time comes.I guess the dynamics of the new situation has him frazzled but in time he will become use to the situation.
I am still dealing with congestion and cough. It is a nagging cold that just will not release. I feel as if it is part of me now. I am attempting to not let it knock me down to much.
I have been working on a few photos here and there. It is suppose to rain on Friday so that will be the Day I spend working on the computer and getting edits and scans done.
Guess I am going to go kick back and relax.
Be happy be healthy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easy Pleazy

Today ended up being one of those days. I am exhausted!
I had a hard time sleeping last night. It felt like when I finally made it to sleep I was waking up and rolling from on side to the other. I finally Got up this morning and made my way out to the Barn to feed. Blaze peeks out of his stall ears forward I can hear Molly nickering and Doc standing at the back pasture fence tossing his head as if to say can you come a little quicker. It took a little bit longer to get Blaze to give me a happy face but he came around. After Every one was fed and watered I made it back to the house. The wind was wiping right through me and it was so cold. So I decided to do a little Laundry and cleaning. Well the cleaning went from Dusting and sweeping to taking everything off of dressers and shelves and cleaning. Then the cleaning sweep went into the bathroom and start packing up everything for the remodel. So I did get much accomplished.
Mom ended up staying home from work so It was nice to have her home today and she fixed an awesome dinner. I grilled some chicken on the charcoal grill so it was like summer in spring.
After Dinner I made my way back to the barn with Homer I cleaned the pasture and the stalls and refilled stall water buckets and Homer Fixed the drip in the water trough the Gasket was put on the wrong way. :-) So that is fixed. Blaze did so much better on the happy face. He would give Homer or I a ugly face we would drive him Far away. He would turn around and look at us like what just happened. He would walk back up to us ears forward and completely a different horse. Every day I see a little different horse. He was so cute last night I let the dogs out and he was up at the back yard and he was like Hey what are you doing out this late. I think he is finding being in turn out all the time with free run of a stall and pasture interesting. Well That is about all that is happening for now. Off to go watch American Idol.
Be happy Be healthy!

Monday, March 22, 2010

A little give

Well today has been extremely busy for me today! I woke this morning with my feet on the ground running!
It was a wonderful morning. Bible study went well. I will miss Monday morning bible Study I have become so close to all those wonderful women. Please continue praying for Leah She is really having much health Issues. She has such a good heart and soul. You can see God shine through her. I really have enjoyed getting to know her and I appreciate all prayers for her. I am hoping to get my tail back in church this week. No excuses for me not to be going. It is where I need to be Sundays Not in the bed catching up on sleep.
~Doctor News~
I went to my Drs appointment. She says I am still sick. Go figure! She did send me for some new meds. Hoping I can kick this last little bit of a cold that is hanging on driving me crazy.
I went by to visit My grandmother. Whom I have not seen since Christmas It was so nice seeing her. She is such a busy little bee so it is hard to catch her home. I prefer her to be busy then sit around waiting to die. It keeps her young!
~Horse News~
Blaze seems to be coming around to me Finally! I guess it is due to me feeding and giving treats. He is giving me so much. I know it is not a lot but it is leaps and bonds for me. He is eating with his ears froward he is taking treats without pinning his ears. When I went out to feed I have been watching him and he really wants to be with you. But I just do not have trust in him yet as a partner I am just getting to know Blaze all in time. I know if you give him an inch he will take 5 miles. So I prefer to keep him at a distance until I can truly trust him! I went down to clean stalls this evening. He met me at the fence This was a First His ears forward and he was happy to see me. Of course I had a little Something for him to snack on. I always carry Peppermints or apples or carrots or Apple wafer horse treats on me. I really want him to know there is no reason to give ugly faces when he is eating. I am sure this has something to do with him being in a herd at some point and feeling threatened not to get his share of food. I have seen this In fields of brood mares and colts. So it is natural But he needs to know that He will get food and there is no need to be ugly. So If he gives a little I give a lot! Oh I am so happy he is pooing normal! Very happy to see this. I have been keeping close eyes on his Poo since arriving. I know crazy I search Poo. I remember when I was an assistant Trainer. The head trainer told me to keep a close eye on the horses Poo because it would tell you what was going on with the Horse. I have always kept that info with me and it is so true. I know that if you see feed in the poo the horse is not getting all the nutrition it needs since it is just passing right through. Poo also holds sand so you can test it to see how much Sand is in the horses system. I know when a horse can be under stress from the way it poos. WOW. Amazing the little things that stick with you through the years. Now since I shared a bunch of Poo info with anyone reading this. I hope you can chuckle since I am!
Hoping the weather is nice tomorrow. We had Thunder showers today So I did not get to play with Blaze. Hoping to get out tomorrow if the weather permits.
May the evening bring many blessing's

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Let the challenges Begin

Well I had a extremely interesting day today with Blaze. We played and We wanted to be sure My western saddle had the proper fit for Blaze. He did a great job on ground on line. He is really getting comfortable enough to start trying things But he is finding out really quick Homer and I have much leadership skills to keep him in line. He has so much spring to him. He Loved jumping the barrels! He would do it all by himself. The wind was blowing and beings this was all new he did not spook or get flighty what so ever. He Gives such nasty looks though. Boy We are really having to work with this. Happy horses at play is better for me. He is happy Eating and running and not being asked to do anything.
Well He did great until we saddled him up he stood he checked everything out then his whole demeanor changed. He became energetic but not a normal energy like nervous energy. Homer and I watched Blaze not be able to stop moving. HMM how interesting! Well Homer did get on and ride a little But Blaze just was to nervous so We just wanted him to relax and stand. When he did this Homer got off. I am not sure what is going on there. We will get through it though!
So my goals for this week is to let Blaze know that moving his feet is okay but standing is good as well. All in all Good day I think. Blaze is a smart boy! I am Blessed to have him that is for sure. Homer is Blessed that he has a horse that actually likes to move.
The Dynamics of Molly and Doc are interesting enough. Molly keeping Doc away from Blaze changed to Doc keeping Molly away from Blaze. Of course Doc is just being horrible to Molly Chasing her off her hay so I will be changing the way feeding goes for a while until the herds are fixed. Molly will be locked up during feeding I think she is happy about this idea She just likes being in her stall.
I finally was able to get out and wash our dirty truck today as well. It was horrible! But now it is all shiny and new looking. Our yes and we have rain coming in tonight Go figure!
Well Until next time. Be happy be healthy!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A new partnership Begins

Well today was a great day! I woke this morning. Bright and Early. Went down and fed the kids. Blaze is getting a little adjustment to pinning his ears. If he pins he gets driven away I say no ugly face. So I am sure it will take some time but he will come around I hope! It is so funny when Homer goes out to the Pasture Blaze perks up and comes trotting up to Homer. He is so Homers Horse. He even did the turn the butt and scratch please to Homer. Martha Thank you so much for warning us about that! Well the Farrier came and trimmed all their feet and everyone did a great job! Blaze was the most well behaved. Go figure!
I did play with Blaze this morning. Before the Farrier came and he did really well. Homer is planning to play tomorrow with him. I have caught Homer a few times today just out rubbing all over Blaze I just laugh. We had lunch out doors in the back yard as we where sitting there Molly decides to play in the water trough. I guess it Gave Blaze a few ideas and he decided to get in his 10 gallon trough and play then he picked it up after splashing most of the water out of it and flipped it over. LOL.. Silly thing! Homer and I decided to run to tractor supply and pick up another rubbermaid 100 gal tank. While I was down filling it up when we came home. Blaze picks the hose up and trys to spray me with it. LOL. he has really given me a few chuckles. He is into everything! He walked to the front of the pasture then he turns around and RUNS back to the back pasture. He did this a lot today! Well Molly has made Moo moo eyes at blaze all day today. If he moved she was right there to keep her eyes on him. So Homer and I decided to stick the two of them together. Poor Blaze went up to her thinking ohh a Girlfriend. well Molly was like I do not think so . Ears Pinned and Drove him all the way to the other side of the pasture. he just stood there and looked like What just happened. Then Molly decided it was fun to drive Blaze. He kicked up a few times at her But they finally settled down a Bit. Only because Molly scraped her shoulder from running into a fence post in her driving attempts. Then she decided to back off. I needed to come in so I put Molly back with Doc and Figured I would Give it about a week across the fence and Try and Put Molly with Blaze again. After Molly and Blaze get along fairly well I will switch up and let Doc out with Blaze until the two of them get along well then I will put them into one herd. I Do not want them Ganging up on Blaze. So far I think the pecking order will end up Molly as the Alpha and a swap between Doc and Blaze. Amazing I would have never thought! Blaze is doing so well I think. He is eating and drinking rolling and jumping and running and Bucking and having a grand time so far. Hopefully he will love it as much later as he does now

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Great Adventure

Today was one of those days the meds I have been taking for this darn cold that just is nagging and dragging on thank goodness I feel better just a little congestion not nearly as bad as it was. Any how The meds have been making me sick and today was the Big Day to adventure up to northern Va and Pick up our new baby. Blaze! He is so handsome. Martha and Tony are wonderful people And I know that They are at peace knowing that Blaze has come to a good home. Of course he has settled in well and Doc and Molly seem to Like him a lot. I think we will see how Doc and Blaze do out together. I hope that they can be turned out together and play. I know Molly is going to Do awesome. She is a super trooper!
Blaze's 2.5 hour ride he moved 3 times that we could tell. He did such a wonderful job on the trip. When we came home he came off the trailer Calm cool and collected. Martha has done such a wonderful Job with Him keeping him calm in new situations. He walked around the pasture and found his water and I showed him his boundaries I turned him loose and he went out found a good place to roll. This was very pleasing since a horse that rolls feels comfortable enough to lay on the ground. Made my heart and soul relax!
Blaze went into his new stall and checked out everything. When it came for dinner Homer went out and The two of them seem to be two peas in a pod. So happy for that! Blaze seems to respond to Homer Extremely well. I am glad that we made the decision to Get Blaze. Any how Homer pointed to Blazes stall and locked him in for the night He seemed to be completely relaxed and okay with all the new things going on around him.
New adventured every day now!
Well Off to relax and enjoy the evening!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Plundering through the Day

Yes that is what I have felt like I am achieving these days getting through the day with not much to say for myself. Being sick is not on the top of my list but getting better is. I still have been coughing the past week. This morning i had the flutter come back in my chest. AGH! Such torture. I have another Drs appointment for Monday next week so hopefully something can be resolved if I am still not back to my peppy little self.
As for work I have accomplished photo editing and have that job sent on its way. I am learning so much about myself as a business woman it is kinda interesting. I have learned that I have not tolerance for people who waste my time. When You waste my time or my husbands time I wash my hands of these people. Done with them! I have no desire to ever deal with them in the future and most likely I will not even attempt to work with them if the begged. I find this interesting because it shows how much I have grown as a person to not allow being walked on. It is great to know the only thing allowed to walk on me is my Dog.
Our little baby Chicks are growing so fast. We had to add to there brooding box due to size and we added a few perches for them. They are so funny to watch they will start from one side of the box and run to the other. So cute!
I do have seem to have many things needing prayer these days. God is so good to so many people. We being human all make mistakes. I am praying for a friend who is going through a hard time to make decisions for her self that will not effect her in the long run. It is hard in the situation she is in but I love her know matter what.
Another Blessing is from a friend that has the possibility to go to Romania on a mission trip I pray the Lord will touch people to help her and her husband go over to help the people and children learn lessons of Jesus. She is such a special person to me. She brings smiles to my face when I see her. She has such a wonderful caring and giving heart.
On a different note! Looks like Friday is going to be an exciting Day going to Pick up our new baby. Also I get to see a wonderful friend whom I love dearly and have not seen in over a year in a half. I am sooooooo excited! Farrier is coming Saturday so it is perfect timing. God is Awesome how he lines everything up so perfectly.
Working out well beings I am still coughing no working out for me. I was hoping to get some yoga in but that has not happened yet. I am not Plundering that away. Hopefully will get back to working out soon.
Well time for me to work on my bible study. Since I have been sick I have fallen a bit behind. God is great to give me the ability to take the time out during the day to study his word.
May you all be blessed loved and feel the warmth of God all around you

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


When you think you have your friends and know who they really are you find out soon that the person you thought they where really is not who they are and they really are just using you or taking advantage of the situation.
Sad, Yes! It is something everyone goes through I think. Why are people brought into our lives to be sudden knives in our backs or hearts. They never support who you are as an individual or where your life may be heading. Should you trust these people. Heck no! They are not true friends. They are people you smile you say hello and you keep on walking. If they do not care about you and your well being then you should not spend the energy on them.
I am thankful for the friends I have and they know who they are. Hello friends! I sure hope My friendship is a two way street supportive loving and caring. I never want to be a friend who could be there or will never be there for my friends.

As for me on a personal note went to the Doctors and she informed me that I have a severe cold and an ear infection. Ear is feeling better today Coughing lots today the meds seem to help but they are making me nausea's So I will be happy to be off them but I will be extremely happy to be well enough to sleep all night and stop coughing up a lung. Being sick is not my thing. I am not a good patient. I want to take my hikes and take pictures and have fun. Oh well Guess I will soon. Better get being sick over early before the really nice spring weather is here to stay.

My little chicks are starting to fly now so funny. They will run and flap there wings and jump over the food bowl and run into the side of the box turn around and do the same thing. I am surprised they have no killed themselves how hard they hit but it is so cute. This morning I was in feeding and one flew on top of the waterer. So Now I need to start making a top frame to keep their chicken Butts in the box. Or I will have a bathroom full of chickens. LOL..
Well guess I should go and finish my day!

Friday, March 5, 2010

days to be Down

Well the title should be many days down. This week seems like the week to spend in the bed. Resting recovering coughing sneezing oh boy. I will be glad when It is all over with. But being down does not mean I cannot work in between naps. I had a photo job came in this week and I have steadily been working on editing these photos to get them out by the begging of the week. I think I may have it accomplished soon enough.

Molly seems to be missing me. When I looked out the window she saw me and started shaking her head at me like come out here and love me. :-( I wish I could but I know better then getting out in the air yet. SO patience brings a healing and I will be able to get out and play with the kids soon enough.

The baby chicks are growing they are starting to get little tail feathers. They are just so Cute. Weston gets extremely excited to see the little ones running in the brood box of course they are not sure what to think of Him. He looks at them probably as moving toys. So we keep a close eye when he goes in their room with us.
Well other then that guess I am going to go rest it up. I find it hard to focus with my head pounding from all the coughing. Blah!.
Be happy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I am about to burst and No it is not from the cold I have either. Hoping the Date is set and all goes well I will be bringing Blaze Home on the 13th. So happy So excited I can not wait to get him here and play with him. He is going to be a challenge but I am so up for it. I sometimes wonder where my brain can be at times I am one week ahead of myself. So crazy Its like Slow down enjoy your days. Now I am excited and am ready to jump ahead a week. :-)

I am dealing with a cold. I have fought it off for a week now and it finally has grabbed me to no avail. But it is okay I will get through it coughing and hacking and sanitizing everything as I go from here and there. I am held up in my room Luckily I have a tv and a lap top and photos to edit to keep me busy. Also some great friends to talk to on Face book and E-mail.

The baby Chick's are just so darling. They are getting there wing feathers and they have grown a bit over night. Weston is getting upset that I go in and check on them and he is not to happy with that. We make him sit at the door he will find Baby chicks fun to chase and play with. He is being a good boy though.

Homer is Kind enough to Bring dinner home so I can rest this afternoon and Not worry about jumping up to fix anything for dinner. So I am spoiled today. Guess I should go rest.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Morning wake up calls!

Yes that is what I get for getting baby chicks Morning wake up calls. Bright and early the post office was kindly enough to wait later then usual but my baby's where here and I am so excited I think those cute little baby's are wishing they went to another home HAHA. I go in and love on each of them. Their is something so wonderful about baby animals and God's creations. They are all snuggles warm in the tub until Dad brings home the chic box. He said they did not have time to build I think he forgot. Who knows as long as they have a warm spot to rest and food and water and one crazy lady coming in and kissing there weeeee little heads. They will be Just fine!

This weekend was a wonderful weekend busy as usual. We where attempting to get everything finished then ran out of boards 7 short so Homer and I will run out one morning and pick up the boards needed to finish. We did get the gates hung. Thankfully Homers best friend came out to help he brought his two kids with him. The kids stayed with me and Homer. I Love his kids just so we behaved and lovable. We played on the Wii and Josie was able to go out and brush the horses and play with Molly. The ground is still a little wet but it is drying out one day at a time. Hoping to be dried completely very soon.

The weather man is saying we are expecting 12 inches tues and wed. We will see though! It has been very windy and cold the last few days. Things seem to have died down some and the sun is warming everything the birds and animals I am sure is happy about that the horses are laid out flat sleeping in the pasture so I know they are soaking it up.

Homer is still sick but he is healing. I still have an itchy throat. My ears will bother me every now and again but it will go away soon enough as well.

I am getting extremely excited we are so close to be able to bring home our new baby. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have learned so much patience with this new member coming to the family. I know Blaze will be coming to a safe new home. I still worry about Doc and Him but I am sure in the end all my herd will do well with a little adjustment.

Off to play with my little peeps. :-)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Count down for spring

I feel that mother nature is treating us so cruelly at the same time snow in the forecast in the same week f 50 degree weather. Mother nature is a funny thing!
Today has been a dreary rainy day I did get out and spend some barn time with the horses. Cleaned stalls cleaned buckets Also Added some new fluffy bedding for the cold night tonight. Molly is a silly girl she thinks she is suppose to be in the stall with me when I clean. I do not mind she has such a great horse and so tranquil for the most part. She just lays her head on my shoulder and breaths in my ear. I just laugh at her. It is funny she will try and follow me into the feed room sometimes I will turn around and tell her are you suppose to be in here and she will back out. I think she would love to be a cat and follow me around all day. I love it though!

Finally uploaded some photos off my camera it has been since valentines weekend since I took any photos off my camera. Been so busy with other things going on. I am still learning all this new stuff. It is all good though.
Well guess I should go to bed it is 11 and I think I am catching Homers Cold. He loves me so Much he is willing to share.
Be happy be healthy.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Keeping Busy

This weekend has been one of the most intense weekend I have had In a while. From sun up to past the sun down Homer and I worked. We took old fence's down and put new fence's up.
We still are not finished but Hoping we can finish up and be ready for My new kid as soon as the snow melts away so I can get up and get him. I am so looking forward to playing with him and ridding. He is such an interesting horse the little bit I was able to play and ride with him in the past. I think Homer and Him we be great together and It will give the horse left behind someone to have while I ride one.
The Lord has been so awesome in directing me in paths and helping me and guiding me to what I need to do. Sometimes I feel frustrated because it is not when or how I wanted it done but in the end I am thankful for the way it was done.
OHHH ! Something really neat Mom and I went to Williamsburg yesterday to go grocery shopping and On the side of the road sat a bald eagle when we slowed down it flew away How beautiful he was. So a Wonderful feeling to see one So close and so clear. I was able to look right into the eye of the eagle. Amazing!
It rained yesterday as well. So the ground is a little mushy and the horses where not happy to get put in there stalls yet again. Doc is getting use to be stall kept at night. The first night he was put up he turned on one of my lights and drained the battery Only he would figure out how to pull the string. He is so silly! Smart boy though. I am just waiting for him to figure out that there is another light on the other side of the stall opening he can reach.
Molly well She I think Is happy she always loves being locked in a stall I guess because Doc cannot mess with her and She can lay at peace without being bossed around.
I will attempt to get some pictures after all the fences are done.
Until next time be safe be happy be healthy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Life is a lesson and we learn everyday. Sometimes I do not want to learn I just want to accomplish and lately my accomplishing is at a stand still. I feel a little lost. Not sure why!

I am learning all the lessons but what am I suppose to be getting out of these lessons. Frustration is one of the Fear of not being all God put me out to be is another. Why be fearful of something out of my control.

Well the sun is shinning the wind is blowing and the ground is drying up. I am very excited about possibly getting some fence post put in the weekend. We have no bad weather in the forecast as of right now. Praying it stays away. I am ready to go pick my new baby up bring him home and get everyone settled in.

Oh yeah Doors seem to be cracking open in different directions then I thought I would be going in. Away from my full time photography position I have been working towards. I have had someone confront me about pet care for their family's to take vacation. Wow! Really! Why not add that to the list of things I have done in the past. So I am going to jump in if the door fly's open. Have to pay for the Photography aspect of my life.

Well not to much more happening in the world Of wonders. Olympics on T.V so I have been soaking it up as much as possible. :-)
Until next time be blessed.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I seem to be waiting on so much in my life Waiting for the weather to be better waiting for the ground to dry waiting for answers. Life is a waiting game. I could get mad or frustrated or angry but instead I just wait. Some times I feel like I am waiting on something but I am not sure what it is. I sit in silence thinking about what I should be waiting on but I am not sure what it is where I am suppose to go what it is I am suppose to be doing. Only time and God can answer that.

I feel as if I have been on a emotional roller coaster all week. Between setting up portfolios and web site's my brain hurts from so much thought.

I am so very thankful for where I am at in life. The opportunity's that I have been able to embrace and take. I have more opportunity's coming to me one day at a time. Looks like I am taking up as a ridding instructor again. Been a while since I have done this But it should be fun. Journeys are so much fun to take I just pray it is the right journey for me.

Snow is in the fort cast once again. I seem to be okay with this as of right now. The ground is saturated with water it is terrible to walk across the fields the rivers and creeks are over flowing. This summer I am sure we will be thankful for the blessing of wet winter weather when the gardens grow and flourish with bountiful fruit and the hot sun beams down upon us we pray for cooler weather. I guess I will enjoy the cold wet winter weather while I can because soon enough the sun will be out beaming its hot rays upon my body then All I will want is the coolness of the snow.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, February 8, 2010

These are the days of my life

Woke this morning. went to bible study. I love this study since I have not said that in a while. I really get to think inside myself where I am at in my life and where I have been in the past. Reaching deep inside myself!
The snow is almost all gone but We have another round coming through tomorrow Night. OH BOY! The horses look like they have had about all the mud mush they can with stand. It is pretty bad when I go out to clean stalls and my wheel barrow sinks. I will have to make a pile out side the stalls and go back and clean up later. I hate doing that but it is better outside the stall that is for sure.
The sun was shinning bright the temps came up and it ended being a beautiful day. I love days that are this beautiful. It makes me really want spring. I am not sure what the rush for spring is.
I know I want the weather to cooperate so I can bring My new Boy home.
I watched the Movie One night with the King. Excellent Movie! I will definitely watch that movie again.
I will get back to working out tomorrow. Just not feeling up to par today. Headache and sinus pressure oh boy.
until next time be blessed.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

IN the Twilight

The snow falls as if it has a purpose a rush a reason to come and cover the wet ground as each flake falls and covers the mud and the puddles the temperatures drop as if to tell us winter has not yet decided to leave. The trees become weighted with the heavy flakes and bend over to touch the frosty ground that is now covered with inches of snow. The day continues to the High winds and the snow swiftly floating across the ground to cause a mist of smoke like snow drifting across the fields.
As the light is taken over by the darkness, The clouds in the sky have the highlight of a magical mist. The colors of the sun reflect through the snow clouds giving pinks purples and blues. The sight of Stars in between the clouds as they drift through the sky as if they where in a race to go no where. The Roads shine from the black ice as the temperature continues to drop to 16 degrees. The wind blows across the bare skin of your face or hands to cause your skin to hurt with pain. The snow blows from the tree tops hitting you like needles poking your every pore.
Walking through the pasture feeling the wind and the snow the smell of locals burning there woods stoves and the snow glistening from the least little of light. The stars shine my way to the barn to throw Hay and check water. The horses tucked in there fluffy bedding closed up tight to keep the winds and snow from blowing in as they wait patiently for their hay. They give the sound of soft knickers to announce my walking into their space. Happy to see me and greet me with happy eyes and ears.
The sights the sounds! Winter days the Clean white palate of Gods Love shows through one single day and continues in the twilight of the evening to the darkest moment of the night.
Take life embrace every moment and Do not allow one moment to pass by with regret of not enjoying the moment of the day.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Well today has been a big Decision day.
I finally was able to sit down and listen to all my instructors positive criticism toward my photos. My big problem is I do not crop my photos. Go figure! I must start working on that if that is all. I can definitely crop away.
Homer and I have been in discussion of me to continue my follow up education in Photography. Photo Shop courses. I am self taught and it is a fun program but I have so much to learn. Once I officially receive my certificate from NYIP I will be enrolling in the Photo Shop course. OH boy! Do I think I can learn Photo Shop and Aperture all at one time. Heck why not! nothing like jumping in with both feet and taking a good swim.
We received no ice last night very thankful for that because boy it would have been a big mess. Instead we had light drizzle of rain. The Snow for this weekend the weather man says is now going to be rain. Not sure what to think. I am not sure they know what they really think is going to happen. So we will just have to wait and see what falls from the sky.
Weston is doing wonderful since his seizure yesterday afternoon. It always scares me when he goes through that. It felt so much longer then the last ones. He was tired after wards and just laid there helplessly for a bit I just sat there and loved on him and talk to him to let him know It was going to be all right.
I went out to the Pond today and took some pictures. Mostly seagulls! Go figure one of the dirtiest animals but they are so pretty. Also if it was not for those dirty birds could you imagine what filth we would live in. Funny how I never thought about the purpose of them until recently. Amazing what comes to you when you think about the purpose of nature and all it does for everything else.
Molly was so cute this morning. I went out to feed a little earlier the usual. She was all snuggled in her stall laid out in her shaving snoozing she looked up at me and started talking to me as if she was like hey you wake me to early come back later. I asked if she was hungry she got up and gave the cutest little stretch neck and head up high arched like a carousel horse stance. I love that horse she can be so adorable at times.
I spent most of the afternoon working on a family photo project on going. But with all the new software I can take photos from the 1800 and make them so much better looking and touch them up and get some of the aged flaws out of them. It is time consuming but it is fun!
Well guess I am going to go and Hang out with my wonderful most patient husband.
Be happy Be healthy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Flight

The flight of birds casting spells on the day dreams of every one. The floating of the birds gathering every tidbit of food. The rains move in the clouds as grey as the smoke from a chimney Burning to keep the warmth in a house.
The Dogs all Nestled One on the floor one beside me on the couch and the other 2 on the other couch. As I sit and Listen to The noise of the TV. Thinking about all the things that need to be done. In Gods timing I am told. Why is it so hard. Snow in the forecast this weekend. I think That is okay just pushes me Further away from bringing my new baby home. So close but still so far away.
Baking Cinnamon Buns Yes seems like I am doing that often these days. They are so Scrumptious! This time they are for a Really great friend who sent a request such a simple request but well worth full filling to give something so little can bring something so much to a wonderful Friend and her family.
Still Steadily working on My new Photo Program It is so much fun but can be challenging at times. But I am okay with that amazingly.
The Birds seem to be peering at me through the large windows in the living room. I am sure they can not be possibly out of seed yet. They are chirping at me. I get up to see what the matter might be and low and behold the Squirrels have conquered the Feeder. Silly little fellows.
Well Dinner is amongst me I need to get that going. Homer will be home shortly and I like to give him a warm meal as much as I can since he gives me the Food the roof over my head and the Love in my heart.
Until tomorrow Be safe Enjoy life because It is short and God would want you to enjoy every thing he has given to us.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Lazy Days

After a Fun filled day yesterday I woke up and was not feeling that well. Fed the horses myself the dogs and Made 3 batches of bread. I laid around Like an old hound dog after a days hunt. It was nice Mom and I on the Couch watching TV playing on Face book. I was editing videos! Fun times for sure.
I did get an hour work out in the morning. It was brutal when you don't feel well but I really would like to stay going and not give up on myself.
Other then that is was a quiet day and I really enjoyed doing nothing so maybe tomorrow I will be a little more productive.
We have more bad weather coming in tomorrow evening. Snow and Ice. We are right on that line. Scary thought to think Ice on top of the 6,5 inches or snow we already have. The weather man says we will be receiving another front come this weekend.
Molly seems to be enjoying her stall at night. But boy I miss not having to clean stalls. I am sure that it is all going to be okay though. Molly love it because Doc can not mess with her. I love it because I know she has a warm bed to sleep in.
Oh well what can you do but bear with it. So I will do what I can do.
I took a few pictures this morning. That was about it. I have not even Uploaded them yet. I will attempt to work on that tomorrow as well.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blessing's from the sky

Okay so many of us where so ready for spring the trees starting to bud, the grass starting to turn to a lush Green. Oh yes all the signs of Spring. Then the air turns dry and cold the winds take a coolness the birds are now scavenging for anything they can eat. The Sky's then open to a fluffy white snow flowing down to earth. After a whole day of snow we are about at 6 plus inches So glad it stopped there for us here in PG county. They where calling for 18 inches. Boy that would be a shock for us.

I went out and video the horses playing together they are so Cute. beings it is snowing all day Molly only had morning turn out then went back in for the day but the sun will shine tomorrow and she will be out all day to romp and play. Doc hangs out in his stall beside Molly and they munch on hay all day. Happy horse's make a very happy mommy.

Homer and I took mom to work and Decided to take a drive around We love driving in the snow. Or should I say He loves driving I love riding. I have a list of things I want to Photograph Certain wild life animals well today I can officially mark one of those off my list. I was so excited I almost did not get the photo I was shaking so bad thinking this beautiful creature would flee from the crazy photographer. Instead it sat in the top of the tree as majestic as any other wild Bird could be. A head of white a bright Orange beak its feathers look as though it has been dipped in dark chocolate. An American symbol of freedom and love The Bald Eagle it is. I felt It was a blessing a very long patient blessing.

I also too a few other photos Some I love some I think are okay. I found it hard to get some of the photos sharp due to the snow fall but it adds so much character to the photos as well. I love doing what I do. It is a tremendous opportunity to give people so much they miss out on or never think about.
Hopefully going to get a ride in on Molly with the snow covered grounds. The snow was falling or should I say pelting down.
Happy Trails!

Friday, January 29, 2010


I have been reading my marketing Photography book. Great information in the book! Well come to find out I needed to set up a web site to direct Clientele. No problem I herd great things about this one free web builder site I said heck why not. Five hours later and they can not find any of my info so far. Very aggravating! I can pull up the page off my favorites so it is somewhere in the web world. So hopefully I will be able to get things straight dealing with there support team but we will see.
The snow is moving in the clouds are getting that tone to them. The sun is buried beneath all the clouds some where. I decided today was the best day to make some bread though. We are not much sandwich eaters so I wanted to try my hand in some roll making. I am also making some Cinnamon buns too. OH yes! If I am going to be locked in a house all weekend. I am going to eat like it is my birthday.
I did a hour work out lots of squats It hurts to sit down right now My legs are KILLING me. In time I know the pain will subside and in the end the pain will have been worth it.
Homer and I went down and loaded stalls with shavings for the kids. I find it so funny to see the two of them come out covered in shavings in the morning. I know they slept well and it is there way of showing appreciation.
I went for a hike yesterday just around the perimeter of the property. I was out to get some cardinal Photos and Yes I did get some Great Photos. I was blessed to not just see 1 set of cardinals but 3. Patience is such a wonderful thing. I love watching the birds and them watching me. They seem to be getting use to me going out and sitting and waiting and watching. In the end I have a great photo. I think it is time for me to look into investing in a telephoto lens so I can get better closer shoots of the wildlife. As for now I will work with what I have.
I think it is time for me to get my rolls in the oven and try and accomplish a few things that need to get done for the day. At least Homer is bringing Dinner home.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Don't go on someone else's path. Make your own path and enjoy the adventure it may lead you on.

Today has been very active.
I Was able to get an hour workout. Yoga was awesome and so well needed. Then did a little freestyle biking always fun. All In all I feel better just knowing I worked out.

Preparing for the winter wonderland this weekend. More Snow! Moved hay into the feed room, Cleaned stalls Picked up water hose's. Cleaned The Horses stalls. No complaints about any of this It is beautiful outdoors. I had my camera in hand as usual. I decided to take Weston with me in the pasture since the perimeter of the fence is pretty much surrounded with cattle wire. Of course the little Mutt Finds the one spot the fence is low enough and jumps it. So he had his exercise for the day as well.
I went for a Hike again. I decided to take a path that No one ever walks. I had to climb over some down trees and go through a little water but I was at one point where the trees opened up and the sun came straight down. It was beautiful I stopped and took the warmth from the sun the cool breeze blowing the sounds of the Red Bellied wood pecker searching for a snack. The squirrels running up and down the trees. I even was able to jump a few deer in a patch of thicket and pines. The Air was just warm enough to enjoy but not to warm to not know the we are still embracing the winter months. As I walked through the woods and looked at all the old swine shelters just thinking That My Grandfather and his brothers worked on all of the old things on the property with their own hands and to this day I am able to sit and look at the last remands of some of this. Sad to know that Most of the shelters are buried behind thicket down trees and down fencing. I am so fortunate to be able to take in all of this and appreciate all that I have been blessed to have a part of my life.
I am one happy girl to know that there is so much love from the begging to the end.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Love of a Day

Today has been magnificent. I woke up this morning to the sun shining through the window the air being crisp with a coolness of the morning freeze. The horses greeting Me as I walk out to the gate. Molly was a snuggle button breathing on my neck. I actually love it when she is like that. Of course it helps keep me warm as well. I just lay my hands across her for head and rub in between her ears until she is ready to walk. The we walked to the barn together for some morning breakfast.
Molly is still adjusting to her new stall. I point and she is like okay mom. She is alot happier seeing Doc But Doc is so grumpy when it comes to his food. Always moody, pinning ears, snarling at anyone around.
After they where settled in I came to the house and Did a hour workout yes I loved it as usual it is just motivation myself to get in there and do it. I think Just go do it and it will be a thing of the past. So I went in and I was done in no time.
Spent a hour working on Esther! I love all that I am learning I feel as if I am growing as a christian during this study. I am learning so much about myself and about anger and how I should deal with negative situations. God is Awesome!
I spent most of the afternoon Out doors Took a hike around the property Camera in hand. The temperature was Dropping with every step I took. By the time I cam in My hands where frozen and My feet where on the depth of yelling for a fire to be lit in the fire place.
I am still working steadily on learning the Aperture program I am learning so much with this journey I still miss my Photo shop though. I will be happy to finally get it for my MAC Pro Notebook.
Dinner is done and Homer is waiting on me We are going to Lowes in a few minutes Looking at some different paints for the stall doors to protect it. The temps drop to fast to be able to paint today so hoping for warmer weather tomorrow. The weather is still calling for Snow Friday and Saturday. I guess I will say It is a Blessing I love the snow. I will attempt to embrace it and get some photo Ops in.
Until tomorrow, stay happy and healthy.

Monday, January 25, 2010

One of those DAYS

Well lets see. Today started way to early about 3 in the morning early.. AGH! Wind blowing rains falling down as if we where in the middle of a hurricane. We lost power so the ceiling fan went off so on top of all matters it was warm in the house. Could not find one comfort spot. Homer and I both where dealing with major headaches from the ions and pressure of the atmosphere. It was not a good night sleep at all.

Finally decided to get out of bed at 8 Homer went to work late Rain still pouring down electricity did come back on But still a little late to get any sleep. I went out to check on the Molly and Doc Beings Molly was in her new stall locked in for the night. She seemed to be okay with everything still raining cats and dogs. I left her locked in. Fed them Gave water through alot of hay. If she was going to be locked in I did not want her not to have something to munch on.

Mom and I then went to the Esther Bible study. I for some reason feel so comfortable with most of these woman. I learn so much every week. Today's Discussion was on Mean girls! Wow I completely understand that statement. Also how woman compare themselves. That is a on going discussions. Woman are very judgemental even if you do not realize you are doing it. It opens my eyes up to realize the truth of the matter and how I act towards others and they act toward me and the reaction of both parties. Very good lessons to be learned in life.

Well the sun is shining. I was so happy to see the Sky's part and the sun pop out. The sky's are blue and it is slightly breezy hopefully it will help dry up some of this wet weather. It is suppose to be beautiful the next days almost spring like temps and then the dreaded ice rain and snow Friday and Saturday. Of course I am trying to do fence repairs this week Looks like that may be postponed. What can you do!

ON top of My day I went in to do a workout and my Wii is not working so frustrating. I really love my workouts for the most part but when you no longer have a choice It makes you want to work out Even more. So that is a little aggravating. Hopefully it will reset itself. If it does not reset I will have to send it off to Nintendo. What can you do, Move up and Move on!

Guess I will be painting the inside of the stall doors to keep the weather off of them tomorrow. It is going to be way to pretty to be indoors.

Off to do something I guess.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Rainy Days

Well another dreary day! I am thankful for all the rain at the same time when it is raining there is not much getting done.
I finished week 2 of the Wii Active challenge. It has come to the realization that it is brutal fun and really helping me keep on track and better myself. I feel so much better now that I am back on routine after the Christmas break of 2009.
Molly is in her stall every now and again peering out to see if anything is out side her door. Doc standing in the rain Grazing on the little tidbits of grass that are starting to spring up.
Weston Cuddled beside me on the couch as I work on a new Photography program. Extremely time consuming but I am learning so very much.
Baking bread today one for the in laws and one for our home. The smell of home cooked bread is irresistible.
The noise of National Velvet playing in the Background as I continue to learn the program and relax.
This weekend has so much in stored for me to do. Getting the stalls reset for the new arrival. Setting corner post for the new Fences line to be put in next weekend. Farrier is coming to trim the kids feet. There will be alot more getting done just to much to list.
Stay well stay happy and be Healthy this weekend .

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Natures Wonders

The rain drizzles down the clouds are grey and dreary. The ground soggy like a sponge full of water. the birds huddled close to the trees as the soft winds blow. The squirrels come down the trunks of the trees to get a few bites to eat. As the day goes one the weather will Calm the sun will appear through the broken clouds of drear.

Today has started off wonderfully for me. Molly being her bossy mare self decided to try and get the kitty.. Poor Twinkle Toes! Luckily that silly cat can run. I accomplished a hour circuit training work out. Boy the Wii Active gives you a good work out.. Today was the squat and lunge day lower body and cardio work out.. I am thankful it is over.

ON to better things Homer decided it was time for a new Computer. The upgrade to the Apple. So far I am loving it. The graphics are wonderful. The Photography software is even better. I am hoping this will last a lot longer then the last lap top.

Due to the Rain Homer and I are unable to make it to the lumber yard to pick up the 16ft boards this weekend I have a list of need to get done before the new member comes next month. I can not wait to have him here!

I went for a hike yesterday I love Nature hikes you see some of the most amazing natural wonders. You question why and how things are the way they are. I love it and the way everything is and how the Lord has given us so much to enjoy and respect in our lives.

Time to go smile and enjoy the rest of this wonderful day rain and all.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No Hurry

Well I am learning so much about who I am and who I am becoming in Christ and through My own eyes.
We all look at one another and wonder how could they possibly have a flaw. Well I am learning that even the most beautiful of women have issues about themselves. I love who I am But there are things about me I am attempting to better. I am okay with that.. Wish it would happen faster. All in good time though. If I wanted everything in a rush I would not respect who I am as a person or the time it takes to achieve such goals.
When we look at women be glad they are who they are and you are who you are because most likely they have issues about themselves that I have about myself and you have about yourself.

Today has been a great day. Busy but good! Funny how life has it's ups and downs but in the end you come out right where you where suppose to be.. So I smile Knowing it is all going to be Okay..
The sun was shinning but not to much time to play looking up fence pricing talked to a Friend for awhile today It is so good to catch up with friends you do not get to talk to often. As for the fence replacement is is going. Rain is due for 3 days this week some times I think it will never get done. I am so looking forward to getting it done and enjoying the gifts it will bring.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A New Day

Mondays are such busy days. By choice of course! My Mom and I are attending a 9 week Bible Course called Esther By Beth Moore. This is week 2 of the Bible Study and I am so loving it. I am learning so much about myself and who I am and why I am in the place of my life. So many questions some with answers some with out but I understand.
This Bible verse was read and it really hit home for me.
" For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Such a powerful piece of scripture!
I stay busy and I love taking photos I pray that God will guide me into the paths I need to go even though as a woman I am headstrong at times and may not like the path I will need to take to get where I need to go. In the end I will be Happy and Blessed to know it is where the Lord wanted me to be the whole time. It is my choice how I get there but hopefully I make the right choices to get there the way it is planned.

I had a great weekend. Homer and I went and picked up the new fence post 40 of them. Now I am trying to get some prices on Electric rope fencing and we need to get to the lumber yard to pick up the 16 ft boards. All in good time it will be accomplished.

Not to much Horsey time it Rained all day yesterday and Saturday was packed with Plans for fencing and preparation. I always enjoy spending my days with Homer. He has been such a blessing as a husband. I can not believe Him and I will have been married 7 yrs in June it feels like we just were married. The blessings of true Love is beyond any dream you can possibly have. Every day is a new day when we have one another to support each other.

As for My health I am doing great I have been faithfully sticking to the 6 week challenge I feel so alive and accomplished. Today is the first day I have not said Ouch due to all the lunges and squats from Thursday and Friday last week. So I am recovered and ready to get in better health and fitness. It is amazing how I have such wonderful family and friends who support me and help me through the hard times and drive me to better myself. Another true blessing in my life.
May your day be blessed you health be good and you life be long.

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Day

Well as I continue to do my work outs.. I ask myself why in the world am I sore. I have been working out for over a year now and to a new work out I used muscles I had not been using.. Thanks Wii Active.

I decided not to let the day go to waste, the sun was shining the birds where out in full force and I needed some time with Molly. Well things changed. Molly my good ol BFF decided to give me the snub but Doc on the other hand was ready to play. He is such a ham at times. Him and I have not always seen eye to eye. We played some games and then I turned him loose for some liberty romping. Boy did I get a fun horse today to play with He started bucking and kicking and just raising the roof with exuberance. He did really well though. He would come to me when asked this is the first time I played at Liberty with him. I then sat and spent a little time he stood over top of me would lay his nose on my arm as if to say I am still here. It is amazing how the two of us have become trusting over one another in the past year. I am thankful that I took the time to enjoy the day with atleast one of my horses.

I cleaned out my trailer today and is airing out the dressing area. Boy when that gets locked up does it start to smell. Swept it and pulled all my Horses blankets out. I usually do not blanket unless traveling long distance in cold weather or Molly decided standing in the cold winter rain is worth catching chill. "silly girl"

The Hawks are out today they are such magnificent creatures. As I was sitting watching the birds I noticed they flocked to the nearby brush and became silent not just like they are done eating silent, Erie silence. I knew that a predator was close by with in seconds the hawk fly's over top. Amazing how if you focus your attention on nature how nature will tell you what is going on with there surrounding's.
Dinner is in the crock pot. It should be a fairly quiet night but who knows what is in store for the evening. Fun family and Laughter.