Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Count down for spring

I feel that mother nature is treating us so cruelly at the same time snow in the forecast in the same week f 50 degree weather. Mother nature is a funny thing!
Today has been a dreary rainy day I did get out and spend some barn time with the horses. Cleaned stalls cleaned buckets Also Added some new fluffy bedding for the cold night tonight. Molly is a silly girl she thinks she is suppose to be in the stall with me when I clean. I do not mind she has such a great horse and so tranquil for the most part. She just lays her head on my shoulder and breaths in my ear. I just laugh at her. It is funny she will try and follow me into the feed room sometimes I will turn around and tell her are you suppose to be in here and she will back out. I think she would love to be a cat and follow me around all day. I love it though!

Finally uploaded some photos off my camera it has been since valentines weekend since I took any photos off my camera. Been so busy with other things going on. I am still learning all this new stuff. It is all good though.
Well guess I should go to bed it is 11 and I think I am catching Homers Cold. He loves me so Much he is willing to share.
Be happy be healthy.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Keeping Busy

This weekend has been one of the most intense weekend I have had In a while. From sun up to past the sun down Homer and I worked. We took old fence's down and put new fence's up.
We still are not finished but Hoping we can finish up and be ready for My new kid as soon as the snow melts away so I can get up and get him. I am so looking forward to playing with him and ridding. He is such an interesting horse the little bit I was able to play and ride with him in the past. I think Homer and Him we be great together and It will give the horse left behind someone to have while I ride one.
The Lord has been so awesome in directing me in paths and helping me and guiding me to what I need to do. Sometimes I feel frustrated because it is not when or how I wanted it done but in the end I am thankful for the way it was done.
OHHH ! Something really neat Mom and I went to Williamsburg yesterday to go grocery shopping and On the side of the road sat a bald eagle when we slowed down it flew away How beautiful he was. So a Wonderful feeling to see one So close and so clear. I was able to look right into the eye of the eagle. Amazing!
It rained yesterday as well. So the ground is a little mushy and the horses where not happy to get put in there stalls yet again. Doc is getting use to be stall kept at night. The first night he was put up he turned on one of my lights and drained the battery Only he would figure out how to pull the string. He is so silly! Smart boy though. I am just waiting for him to figure out that there is another light on the other side of the stall opening he can reach.
Molly well She I think Is happy she always loves being locked in a stall I guess because Doc cannot mess with her and She can lay at peace without being bossed around.
I will attempt to get some pictures after all the fences are done.
Until next time be safe be happy be healthy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Life is a lesson and we learn everyday. Sometimes I do not want to learn I just want to accomplish and lately my accomplishing is at a stand still. I feel a little lost. Not sure why!

I am learning all the lessons but what am I suppose to be getting out of these lessons. Frustration is one of the Fear of not being all God put me out to be is another. Why be fearful of something out of my control.

Well the sun is shinning the wind is blowing and the ground is drying up. I am very excited about possibly getting some fence post put in the weekend. We have no bad weather in the forecast as of right now. Praying it stays away. I am ready to go pick my new baby up bring him home and get everyone settled in.

Oh yeah Doors seem to be cracking open in different directions then I thought I would be going in. Away from my full time photography position I have been working towards. I have had someone confront me about pet care for their family's to take vacation. Wow! Really! Why not add that to the list of things I have done in the past. So I am going to jump in if the door fly's open. Have to pay for the Photography aspect of my life.

Well not to much more happening in the world Of wonders. Olympics on T.V so I have been soaking it up as much as possible. :-)
Until next time be blessed.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I seem to be waiting on so much in my life Waiting for the weather to be better waiting for the ground to dry waiting for answers. Life is a waiting game. I could get mad or frustrated or angry but instead I just wait. Some times I feel like I am waiting on something but I am not sure what it is. I sit in silence thinking about what I should be waiting on but I am not sure what it is where I am suppose to go what it is I am suppose to be doing. Only time and God can answer that.

I feel as if I have been on a emotional roller coaster all week. Between setting up portfolios and web site's my brain hurts from so much thought.

I am so very thankful for where I am at in life. The opportunity's that I have been able to embrace and take. I have more opportunity's coming to me one day at a time. Looks like I am taking up as a ridding instructor again. Been a while since I have done this But it should be fun. Journeys are so much fun to take I just pray it is the right journey for me.

Snow is in the fort cast once again. I seem to be okay with this as of right now. The ground is saturated with water it is terrible to walk across the fields the rivers and creeks are over flowing. This summer I am sure we will be thankful for the blessing of wet winter weather when the gardens grow and flourish with bountiful fruit and the hot sun beams down upon us we pray for cooler weather. I guess I will enjoy the cold wet winter weather while I can because soon enough the sun will be out beaming its hot rays upon my body then All I will want is the coolness of the snow.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, February 8, 2010

These are the days of my life

Woke this morning. went to bible study. I love this study since I have not said that in a while. I really get to think inside myself where I am at in my life and where I have been in the past. Reaching deep inside myself!
The snow is almost all gone but We have another round coming through tomorrow Night. OH BOY! The horses look like they have had about all the mud mush they can with stand. It is pretty bad when I go out to clean stalls and my wheel barrow sinks. I will have to make a pile out side the stalls and go back and clean up later. I hate doing that but it is better outside the stall that is for sure.
The sun was shinning bright the temps came up and it ended being a beautiful day. I love days that are this beautiful. It makes me really want spring. I am not sure what the rush for spring is.
I know I want the weather to cooperate so I can bring My new Boy home.
I watched the Movie One night with the King. Excellent Movie! I will definitely watch that movie again.
I will get back to working out tomorrow. Just not feeling up to par today. Headache and sinus pressure oh boy.
until next time be blessed.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

IN the Twilight

The snow falls as if it has a purpose a rush a reason to come and cover the wet ground as each flake falls and covers the mud and the puddles the temperatures drop as if to tell us winter has not yet decided to leave. The trees become weighted with the heavy flakes and bend over to touch the frosty ground that is now covered with inches of snow. The day continues to the High winds and the snow swiftly floating across the ground to cause a mist of smoke like snow drifting across the fields.
As the light is taken over by the darkness, The clouds in the sky have the highlight of a magical mist. The colors of the sun reflect through the snow clouds giving pinks purples and blues. The sight of Stars in between the clouds as they drift through the sky as if they where in a race to go no where. The Roads shine from the black ice as the temperature continues to drop to 16 degrees. The wind blows across the bare skin of your face or hands to cause your skin to hurt with pain. The snow blows from the tree tops hitting you like needles poking your every pore.
Walking through the pasture feeling the wind and the snow the smell of locals burning there woods stoves and the snow glistening from the least little of light. The stars shine my way to the barn to throw Hay and check water. The horses tucked in there fluffy bedding closed up tight to keep the winds and snow from blowing in as they wait patiently for their hay. They give the sound of soft knickers to announce my walking into their space. Happy to see me and greet me with happy eyes and ears.
The sights the sounds! Winter days the Clean white palate of Gods Love shows through one single day and continues in the twilight of the evening to the darkest moment of the night.
Take life embrace every moment and Do not allow one moment to pass by with regret of not enjoying the moment of the day.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Well today has been a big Decision day.
I finally was able to sit down and listen to all my instructors positive criticism toward my photos. My big problem is I do not crop my photos. Go figure! I must start working on that if that is all. I can definitely crop away.
Homer and I have been in discussion of me to continue my follow up education in Photography. Photo Shop courses. I am self taught and it is a fun program but I have so much to learn. Once I officially receive my certificate from NYIP I will be enrolling in the Photo Shop course. OH boy! Do I think I can learn Photo Shop and Aperture all at one time. Heck why not! nothing like jumping in with both feet and taking a good swim.
We received no ice last night very thankful for that because boy it would have been a big mess. Instead we had light drizzle of rain. The Snow for this weekend the weather man says is now going to be rain. Not sure what to think. I am not sure they know what they really think is going to happen. So we will just have to wait and see what falls from the sky.
Weston is doing wonderful since his seizure yesterday afternoon. It always scares me when he goes through that. It felt so much longer then the last ones. He was tired after wards and just laid there helplessly for a bit I just sat there and loved on him and talk to him to let him know It was going to be all right.
I went out to the Pond today and took some pictures. Mostly seagulls! Go figure one of the dirtiest animals but they are so pretty. Also if it was not for those dirty birds could you imagine what filth we would live in. Funny how I never thought about the purpose of them until recently. Amazing what comes to you when you think about the purpose of nature and all it does for everything else.
Molly was so cute this morning. I went out to feed a little earlier the usual. She was all snuggled in her stall laid out in her shaving snoozing she looked up at me and started talking to me as if she was like hey you wake me to early come back later. I asked if she was hungry she got up and gave the cutest little stretch neck and head up high arched like a carousel horse stance. I love that horse she can be so adorable at times.
I spent most of the afternoon working on a family photo project on going. But with all the new software I can take photos from the 1800 and make them so much better looking and touch them up and get some of the aged flaws out of them. It is time consuming but it is fun!
Well guess I am going to go and Hang out with my wonderful most patient husband.
Be happy Be healthy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Flight

The flight of birds casting spells on the day dreams of every one. The floating of the birds gathering every tidbit of food. The rains move in the clouds as grey as the smoke from a chimney Burning to keep the warmth in a house.
The Dogs all Nestled One on the floor one beside me on the couch and the other 2 on the other couch. As I sit and Listen to The noise of the TV. Thinking about all the things that need to be done. In Gods timing I am told. Why is it so hard. Snow in the forecast this weekend. I think That is okay just pushes me Further away from bringing my new baby home. So close but still so far away.
Baking Cinnamon Buns Yes seems like I am doing that often these days. They are so Scrumptious! This time they are for a Really great friend who sent a request such a simple request but well worth full filling to give something so little can bring something so much to a wonderful Friend and her family.
Still Steadily working on My new Photo Program It is so much fun but can be challenging at times. But I am okay with that amazingly.
The Birds seem to be peering at me through the large windows in the living room. I am sure they can not be possibly out of seed yet. They are chirping at me. I get up to see what the matter might be and low and behold the Squirrels have conquered the Feeder. Silly little fellows.
Well Dinner is amongst me I need to get that going. Homer will be home shortly and I like to give him a warm meal as much as I can since he gives me the Food the roof over my head and the Love in my heart.
Until tomorrow Be safe Enjoy life because It is short and God would want you to enjoy every thing he has given to us.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Lazy Days

After a Fun filled day yesterday I woke up and was not feeling that well. Fed the horses myself the dogs and Made 3 batches of bread. I laid around Like an old hound dog after a days hunt. It was nice Mom and I on the Couch watching TV playing on Face book. I was editing videos! Fun times for sure.
I did get an hour work out in the morning. It was brutal when you don't feel well but I really would like to stay going and not give up on myself.
Other then that is was a quiet day and I really enjoyed doing nothing so maybe tomorrow I will be a little more productive.
We have more bad weather coming in tomorrow evening. Snow and Ice. We are right on that line. Scary thought to think Ice on top of the 6,5 inches or snow we already have. The weather man says we will be receiving another front come this weekend.
Molly seems to be enjoying her stall at night. But boy I miss not having to clean stalls. I am sure that it is all going to be okay though. Molly love it because Doc can not mess with her. I love it because I know she has a warm bed to sleep in.
Oh well what can you do but bear with it. So I will do what I can do.
I took a few pictures this morning. That was about it. I have not even Uploaded them yet. I will attempt to work on that tomorrow as well.