Friday, October 8, 2010

The March Contiues

Okay so here it is Friday the 8Th of October. It is absolutely beautiful outdoors. I am sitting here at the dinning room table looking out the bay window ant the chickens and squirrel scurrying around. Yes I am blessed I would be even more blessed if I was out there enjoying the sunshine. I have work to do. So I will sit here and work on Photos. I have been blessed the last few weeks with wonderful flow of work. I took a family whom the Daughter and Son in law are close friends and we went to some battlefields and did a photo shoot so beautiful. I had so much fun! Hoping they love the Photos as much as I do.

As for my Healthy life style I am down 6 lbs WOW I freaking flipped out I was shocked I guess this counting point thing does work. :-D Who knew and it is so easy! I am continuing my daily work outs and eating healthy and I feel great! I love that I can eat what I want but I hold myself accountable for the mishaps So I am learning.

My ridding lessons are on hold it seems we all are doing the fall get aways. I am looking forward to seeing friends I have not seen in over a year. I so wished we lived closer. Of course I would prefer to live closer to them Mountain cool weather no bugs yes sounds like heaven until the winter dumps 5 ft of snow on ya. LOL
Well guess I need to scoot and do some work.
Eat healthy Be strong IN the end it will all be worth it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Good morning! I hope this finds you in Great favor and in an up lifted mood. Sometimes we do not look at the spiritual side of working out.
God put us here to enjoy all the wonderful things and sometimes we find us over enjoying. Of course this is the conclusion I have found myself in since I married. Competitively eating with my husband who can put the food down.
My weight loss journey has been tuff. I actually stepped away from working out for a bit over the summer I enjoyed it but in a weird way missed it. Who knew I could miss sweating and putting myself through pain.
I have had a few loss's that can cause depression but God held me up and pushed me through those times. I get extremely depressed when I work out and am not changing. I find that to be a test in itself.
I am now working on the Wii Fit plus I do 30 minutes of the yoga. Then I will change over to the Wii Active ~more~ and do 30 minute of aerobic Step fast. I love this because this burns so many calories. Also I do the dance segment on the first Wii active.
I let a friend borrow the Wii active more yesterday. I found this to be tough since I use it practically everyday. It also gives me the option to do something different. Change who likes that?

Stay strong ask for the strength and amazing how God will give it to you. Determination,Inspiration and Dedication! Three things we have in life and Support from friends. They say you should hang out with healthy like minded people. Well, Most of my friends are skinny. So what am I supposed to live in a hole and not see anyone. LOL. Not I just have to be determined and stick to my dedication and get the support I need from friends. In the end We are thankful for what we have and the journey it took to get me here.
I hope you will come and join in the fun to a fitter you. I know the feeling of failure the feeling of not achieving goals. It is not about the fall you may take it is about the opportunity you do not grasp to take your life back and take control of who you are as an individual. I do not want to be the person with the number on my back in a clinic or having serious health issues. I prefer to face the fear to tackle the weight and to enjoy my life as a healthy woman not terrified of being over weight or struggling to walk or breath.
Your choice to be a healthier you. It is your decision as well as Mine. I am here for all my friends support a shoulder for when we fall and arms pumped in the air for great success. I have High hopes for all my friends who have decided to become determined, inspired and dedicated to saving themselves!
Hugs and much love.
Time to go work out!