Yes! I have Learned that Blaze has some sort of frog gene in his background. That horse Jumps a little log as if he is attempting to jump the grand canyon. Amazing!
Blaze is coming along really great. Today was the first day he felt safe enough to Bask in the sun and sleep I went out and He did not feel threatened of me walking out to rub on him and take some pictures. He just laid there and watched me enjoyed the rub and Watched me walk away. I went out this afternoon to play He Does all his games so well and with very little effort he gets what I ask and he is extremely responsive. So I decided to use my driving harness and do a little ground driving we worked in the Round Pen to make sure he understood what I was going to ask from him. He tried spinning and backing and I just stood there and let him have a temper tantrum and then he realized he was not getting any reaction from me and just stopped. He then decided maybe it was not worth being silly and he moved forward. Blaze responded to the Driving well. I decided to take him out and drive him around the yard and In some new areas to see how he would do. He stopped and looked around and I let Blaze take in all the new surroundings. We moved forward I decided to take blaze for a drive/walk up the drive. Quarter mile trail drive. He did absolutely wonderful. He took in his environment absorbed what was being asked of him. I even had him stop and stand and look around No panic no freak outs calm and Happy ears forward relaxed. It was a wonderful experience for him and I both. I have learned his game though when he does not want to do something he spins or backs or jumps around acting like a goof ball of course me giving no reaction and letting him get over his own issue he seemed to give it up.
As for he Ugly faces he is becoming a little better each day about that. He is now approaching meals a little happier. I did have to drive him off his hay due to an ugly face this morning but he turn licked his lips ear forward and i asked him to come back happily he did and had a better attitude.
Molly is Doing well She is putting her weight back on and I think she loves just being locked in her stall for meals. Not feeling she is going to be chased off her hay. So I do not mind the extra work and She seems to be content with the situation.
Doc has been a little moodier I am hoping that Doc and Blaze get along when that time comes.I guess the dynamics of the new situation has him frazzled but in time he will become use to the situation.
I am still dealing with congestion and cough. It is a nagging cold that just will not release. I feel as if it is part of me now. I am attempting to not let it knock me down to much.
I have been working on a few photos here and there. It is suppose to rain on Friday so that will be the Day I spend working on the computer and getting edits and scans done.
Guess I am going to go kick back and relax.
Be happy be healthy.
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