Monday, March 22, 2010

A little give

Well today has been extremely busy for me today! I woke this morning with my feet on the ground running!
It was a wonderful morning. Bible study went well. I will miss Monday morning bible Study I have become so close to all those wonderful women. Please continue praying for Leah She is really having much health Issues. She has such a good heart and soul. You can see God shine through her. I really have enjoyed getting to know her and I appreciate all prayers for her. I am hoping to get my tail back in church this week. No excuses for me not to be going. It is where I need to be Sundays Not in the bed catching up on sleep.
~Doctor News~
I went to my Drs appointment. She says I am still sick. Go figure! She did send me for some new meds. Hoping I can kick this last little bit of a cold that is hanging on driving me crazy.
I went by to visit My grandmother. Whom I have not seen since Christmas It was so nice seeing her. She is such a busy little bee so it is hard to catch her home. I prefer her to be busy then sit around waiting to die. It keeps her young!
~Horse News~
Blaze seems to be coming around to me Finally! I guess it is due to me feeding and giving treats. He is giving me so much. I know it is not a lot but it is leaps and bonds for me. He is eating with his ears froward he is taking treats without pinning his ears. When I went out to feed I have been watching him and he really wants to be with you. But I just do not have trust in him yet as a partner I am just getting to know Blaze all in time. I know if you give him an inch he will take 5 miles. So I prefer to keep him at a distance until I can truly trust him! I went down to clean stalls this evening. He met me at the fence This was a First His ears forward and he was happy to see me. Of course I had a little Something for him to snack on. I always carry Peppermints or apples or carrots or Apple wafer horse treats on me. I really want him to know there is no reason to give ugly faces when he is eating. I am sure this has something to do with him being in a herd at some point and feeling threatened not to get his share of food. I have seen this In fields of brood mares and colts. So it is natural But he needs to know that He will get food and there is no need to be ugly. So If he gives a little I give a lot! Oh I am so happy he is pooing normal! Very happy to see this. I have been keeping close eyes on his Poo since arriving. I know crazy I search Poo. I remember when I was an assistant Trainer. The head trainer told me to keep a close eye on the horses Poo because it would tell you what was going on with the Horse. I have always kept that info with me and it is so true. I know that if you see feed in the poo the horse is not getting all the nutrition it needs since it is just passing right through. Poo also holds sand so you can test it to see how much Sand is in the horses system. I know when a horse can be under stress from the way it poos. WOW. Amazing the little things that stick with you through the years. Now since I shared a bunch of Poo info with anyone reading this. I hope you can chuckle since I am!
Hoping the weather is nice tomorrow. We had Thunder showers today So I did not get to play with Blaze. Hoping to get out tomorrow if the weather permits.
May the evening bring many blessing's

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