Sad, Yes! It is something everyone goes through I think. Why are people brought into our lives to be sudden knives in our backs or hearts. They never support who you are as an individual or where your life may be heading. Should you trust these people. Heck no! They are not true friends. They are people you smile you say hello and you keep on walking. If they do not care about you and your well being then you should not spend the energy on them.
I am thankful for the friends I have and they know who they are. Hello friends! I sure hope My friendship is a two way street supportive loving and caring. I never want to be a friend who could be there or will never be there for my friends.
As for me on a personal note went to the Doctors and she informed me that I have a severe cold and an ear infection. Ear is feeling better today Coughing lots today the meds seem to help but they are making me nausea's So I will be happy to be off them but I will be extremely happy to be well enough to sleep all night and stop coughing up a lung. Being sick is not my thing. I am not a good patient. I want to take my hikes and take pictures and have fun. Oh well Guess I will soon. Better get being sick over early before the really nice spring weather is here to stay.
My little chicks are starting to fly now so funny. They will run and flap there wings and jump over the food bowl and run into the side of the box turn around and do the same thing. I am surprised they have no killed themselves how hard they hit but it is so cute. This morning I was in feeding and one flew on top of the waterer. So Now I need to start making a top frame to keep their chicken Butts in the box. Or I will have a bathroom full of chickens. LOL..
Well guess I should go and finish my day!
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