I seem to be waiting on so much in my life Waiting for the weather to be better waiting for the ground to dry waiting for answers. Life is a waiting game. I could get mad or frustrated or angry but instead I just wait. Some times I feel like I am waiting on something but I am not sure what it is. I sit in silence thinking about what I should be waiting on but I am not sure what it is where I am suppose to go what it is I am suppose to be doing. Only time and God can answer that.
I feel as if I have been on a emotional roller coaster all week. Between setting up portfolios and web site's my brain hurts from so much thought.
I am so very thankful for where I am at in life. The opportunity's that I have been able to embrace and take. I have more opportunity's coming to me one day at a time. Looks like I am taking up as a ridding instructor again. Been a while since I have done this But it should be fun. Journeys are so much fun to take I just pray it is the right journey for me.
Snow is in the fort cast once again. I seem to be okay with this as of right now. The ground is saturated with water it is terrible to walk across the fields the rivers and creeks are over flowing. This summer I am sure we will be thankful for the blessing of wet winter weather when the gardens grow and flourish with bountiful fruit and the hot sun beams down upon us we pray for cooler weather. I guess I will enjoy the cold wet winter weather while I can because soon enough the sun will be out beaming its hot rays upon my body then All I will want is the coolness of the snow.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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