The flight of birds casting spells on the day dreams of every one. The floating of the birds gathering every tidbit of food. The rains move in the clouds as grey as the smoke from a chimney Burning to keep the warmth in a house.
The Dogs all Nestled One on the floor one beside me on the couch and the other 2 on the other couch. As I sit and Listen to The noise of the TV. Thinking about all the things that need to be done. In Gods timing I am told. Why is it so hard. Snow in the forecast this weekend. I think That is okay just pushes me Further away from bringing my new baby home. So close but still so far away.
Baking Cinnamon Buns Yes seems like I am doing that often these days. They are so Scrumptious! This time they are for a Really great friend who sent a request such a simple request but well worth full filling to give something so little can bring something so much to a wonderful Friend and her family.
Still Steadily working on My new Photo Program It is so much fun but can be challenging at times. But I am okay with that amazingly.
The Birds seem to be peering at me through the large windows in the living room. I am sure they can not be possibly out of seed yet. They are chirping at me. I get up to see what the matter might be and low and behold the Squirrels have conquered the Feeder. Silly little fellows.
Well Dinner is amongst me I need to get that going. Homer will be home shortly and I like to give him a warm meal as much as I can since he gives me the Food the roof over my head and the Love in my heart.
Until tomorrow Be safe Enjoy life because It is short and God would want you to enjoy every thing he has given to us.
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