After a Fun filled day yesterday I woke up and was not feeling that well. Fed the horses myself the dogs and Made 3 batches of bread. I laid around Like an old hound dog after a days hunt. It was nice Mom and I on the Couch watching TV playing on Face book. I was editing videos! Fun times for sure.
I did get an hour work out in the morning. It was brutal when you don't feel well but I really would like to stay going and not give up on myself.
Other then that is was a quiet day and I really enjoyed doing nothing so maybe tomorrow I will be a little more productive.
We have more bad weather coming in tomorrow evening. Snow and Ice. We are right on that line. Scary thought to think Ice on top of the 6,5 inches or snow we already have. The weather man says we will be receiving another front come this weekend.
Molly seems to be enjoying her stall at night. But boy I miss not having to clean stalls. I am sure that it is all going to be okay though. Molly love it because Doc can not mess with her. I love it because I know she has a warm bed to sleep in.
Oh well what can you do but bear with it. So I will do what I can do.
I took a few pictures this morning. That was about it. I have not even Uploaded them yet. I will attempt to work on that tomorrow as well.
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