Well today has been a big Decision day.
I finally was able to sit down and listen to all my instructors positive criticism toward my photos. My big problem is I do not crop my photos. Go figure! I must start working on that if that is all. I can definitely crop away.
Homer and I have been in discussion of me to continue my follow up education in Photography. Photo Shop courses. I am self taught and it is a fun program but I have so much to learn. Once I officially receive my certificate from NYIP I will be enrolling in the Photo Shop course. OH boy! Do I think I can learn Photo Shop and Aperture all at one time. Heck why not! nothing like jumping in with both feet and taking a good swim.
We received no ice last night very thankful for that because boy it would have been a big mess. Instead we had light drizzle of rain. The Snow for this weekend the weather man says is now going to be rain. Not sure what to think. I am not sure they know what they really think is going to happen. So we will just have to wait and see what falls from the sky.
Weston is doing wonderful since his seizure yesterday afternoon. It always scares me when he goes through that. It felt so much longer then the last ones. He was tired after wards and just laid there helplessly for a bit I just sat there and loved on him and talk to him to let him know It was going to be all right.
I went out to the Pond today and took some pictures. Mostly seagulls! Go figure one of the dirtiest animals but they are so pretty. Also if it was not for those dirty birds could you imagine what filth we would live in. Funny how I never thought about the purpose of them until recently. Amazing what comes to you when you think about the purpose of nature and all it does for everything else.
Molly was so cute this morning. I went out to feed a little earlier the usual. She was all snuggled in her stall laid out in her shaving snoozing she looked up at me and started talking to me as if she was like hey you wake me to early come back later. I asked if she was hungry she got up and gave the cutest little stretch neck and head up high arched like a carousel horse stance. I love that horse she can be so adorable at times.
I spent most of the afternoon working on a family photo project on going. But with all the new software I can take photos from the 1800 and make them so much better looking and touch them up and get some of the aged flaws out of them. It is time consuming but it is fun!
Well guess I am going to go and Hang out with my wonderful most patient husband.
Be happy Be healthy!