I know I know it has been such a long time!
Summer was Great Hotter then the typical Virginia summer. I lived in the pool or in the house.
We did get to go on vacation. We really enjoyed our time. We went to Corolla NC even though it was cut short do to Hurricane Earl.
Now school is back in and time is continuing on. I started a Bible study today on the book of Ruth. I think this will be a wonderful study.
I decided since Homer is in school and has not had much time to do anything extra besides the half to get done list I should start working Blaze. I took him out today and we had an absolutely wonderful 2 hour ride. He is so much fun to ride! He is a little on the lazy side But he was a good boy and he really showed me some really nice flexion. He is such a talented boy.
Nicole came out today and ground worked Doc. Molly is doing great with Giving beginner ridding lessons. Seems like life is a blessing every day.
Julie, I'm really glad you're riding Blaze. I still miss him but I know he is in the right place! Loved the pic of him on FB learning to park out. You're doing a really good job with him. Thank you again for taking him. :-)
Martha I am so Pleased and Blessed to have Blaze he has taught me so much about taking the time to listen to focus and to watch.