Well It has been a while! I know busy as can be. Amazingly things are going wonderfully.
Blaze Doc and Molly are getting along for the most part lots of ear pinning from the group but for the most part it is just ear pinning. Blaze is the low man on the to tum pole. Molly and Doc seem to switch there alpha positions all day I find this interesting to watch.
Homer has had his first trail ride on Blaze they both did wonderful. We have learned my saddle fits great with a thin pad so we know what we need to order when we finally get around to it. I love ridding in my English saddle so when ever Homer decides to find a saddle he loves it will all work out. Blaze has a show horse mentality. Something I am so use to with the saddlebreds. GO GO GO! I have realized as I have been playing with him He has had some serious show training in his back ground this kiddo has not been trained for trails. This is why he does not care for arena work he has been drilled so much with it in his early years before he started natural horsemanship and being able to be a horse and not a robot he is coming along well though.
Today I gave Blaze and Molly a bath. Boy They where both pretty dirty Blaze gets impatient and starts pawing yet another sign of being tied and becoming bored at a young age. WOW!! I am so glad I have worked in show barns and breeding barns to know what We have when we have it. I brought the clippers out to see how Blaze did he put his head down and was okay with it Not sure if he was clipped by Martha or not but he does not mind at all he almost loved it. The bath the pampering the clipping.
Molly as always stands she loves her bath she will fall asleep. I did do a little clipping on her what took me an hour to do last time took me less then 5 minutes this go around. I was sitting in a chair while I did it as well. Lots of break through and accomplishments.
As for me personally I am doing wonderful I have had so much fun with the horses and family and church family and friends it is amazing. I am so blessed and know every day is a gift from God.
The weather has been completely wonderful. It has been in the 70 until yesterday and today we are actually hitting close to 90 but temps will be dropping again a northern storm is going to hit us later in the week to bring spring like temps again.
Homer is on the way home. Hopefully going to get the garden tilled up so we can start planting this weekend while the temps are wonderful.
Be happy be healthy.
Wow, I'm just blown away by all of the things you are observing about Blaze. Keep the thoughts and observations coming Julie. And by the way... Homer and Blaze look so good together. I am happy for all concerned.