Well as I continue to do my work outs.. I ask myself why in the world am I sore. I have been working out for over a year now and to a new work out I used muscles I had not been using.. Thanks Wii Active.
I decided not to let the day go to waste, the sun was shining the birds where out in full force and I needed some time with Molly. Well things changed. Molly my good ol BFF decided to give me the snub but Doc on the other hand was ready to play. He is such a ham at times. Him and I have not always seen eye to eye. We played some games and then I turned him loose for some liberty romping. Boy did I get a fun horse today to play with He started bucking and kicking and just raising the roof with exuberance. He did really well though. He would come to me when asked this is the first time I played at Liberty with him. I then sat and spent a little time he stood over top of me would lay his nose on my arm as if to say I am still here. It is amazing how the two of us have become trusting over one another in the past year. I am thankful that I took the time to enjoy the day with atleast one of my horses.
I cleaned out my trailer today and is airing out the dressing area. Boy when that gets locked up does it start to smell. Swept it and pulled all my Horses blankets out. I usually do not blanket unless traveling long distance in cold weather or Molly decided standing in the cold winter rain is worth catching chill. "silly girl"
The Hawks are out today they are such magnificent creatures. As I was sitting watching the birds I noticed they flocked to the nearby brush and became silent not just like they are done eating silent, Erie silence. I knew that a predator was close by with in seconds the hawk fly's over top. Amazing how if you focus your attention on nature how nature will tell you what is going on with there surrounding's.
Dinner is in the crock pot. It should be a fairly quiet night but who knows what is in store for the evening. Fun family and Laughter.
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