Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blessing's from the sky

Okay so many of us where so ready for spring the trees starting to bud, the grass starting to turn to a lush Green. Oh yes all the signs of Spring. Then the air turns dry and cold the winds take a coolness the birds are now scavenging for anything they can eat. The Sky's then open to a fluffy white snow flowing down to earth. After a whole day of snow we are about at 6 plus inches So glad it stopped there for us here in PG county. They where calling for 18 inches. Boy that would be a shock for us.

I went out and video the horses playing together they are so Cute. beings it is snowing all day Molly only had morning turn out then went back in for the day but the sun will shine tomorrow and she will be out all day to romp and play. Doc hangs out in his stall beside Molly and they munch on hay all day. Happy horse's make a very happy mommy.

Homer and I took mom to work and Decided to take a drive around We love driving in the snow. Or should I say He loves driving I love riding. I have a list of things I want to Photograph Certain wild life animals well today I can officially mark one of those off my list. I was so excited I almost did not get the photo I was shaking so bad thinking this beautiful creature would flee from the crazy photographer. Instead it sat in the top of the tree as majestic as any other wild Bird could be. A head of white a bright Orange beak its feathers look as though it has been dipped in dark chocolate. An American symbol of freedom and love The Bald Eagle it is. I felt It was a blessing a very long patient blessing.

I also too a few other photos Some I love some I think are okay. I found it hard to get some of the photos sharp due to the snow fall but it adds so much character to the photos as well. I love doing what I do. It is a tremendous opportunity to give people so much they miss out on or never think about.
Hopefully going to get a ride in on Molly with the snow covered grounds. The snow was falling or should I say pelting down.
Happy Trails!

Friday, January 29, 2010


I have been reading my marketing Photography book. Great information in the book! Well come to find out I needed to set up a web site to direct Clientele. No problem I herd great things about this one free web builder site I said heck why not. Five hours later and they can not find any of my info so far. Very aggravating! I can pull up the page off my favorites so it is somewhere in the web world. So hopefully I will be able to get things straight dealing with there support team but we will see.
The snow is moving in the clouds are getting that tone to them. The sun is buried beneath all the clouds some where. I decided today was the best day to make some bread though. We are not much sandwich eaters so I wanted to try my hand in some roll making. I am also making some Cinnamon buns too. OH yes! If I am going to be locked in a house all weekend. I am going to eat like it is my birthday.
I did a hour work out lots of squats It hurts to sit down right now My legs are KILLING me. In time I know the pain will subside and in the end the pain will have been worth it.
Homer and I went down and loaded stalls with shavings for the kids. I find it so funny to see the two of them come out covered in shavings in the morning. I know they slept well and it is there way of showing appreciation.
I went for a hike yesterday just around the perimeter of the property. I was out to get some cardinal Photos and Yes I did get some Great Photos. I was blessed to not just see 1 set of cardinals but 3. Patience is such a wonderful thing. I love watching the birds and them watching me. They seem to be getting use to me going out and sitting and waiting and watching. In the end I have a great photo. I think it is time for me to look into investing in a telephoto lens so I can get better closer shoots of the wildlife. As for now I will work with what I have.
I think it is time for me to get my rolls in the oven and try and accomplish a few things that need to get done for the day. At least Homer is bringing Dinner home.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Don't go on someone else's path. Make your own path and enjoy the adventure it may lead you on.

Today has been very active.
I Was able to get an hour workout. Yoga was awesome and so well needed. Then did a little freestyle biking always fun. All In all I feel better just knowing I worked out.

Preparing for the winter wonderland this weekend. More Snow! Moved hay into the feed room, Cleaned stalls Picked up water hose's. Cleaned The Horses stalls. No complaints about any of this It is beautiful outdoors. I had my camera in hand as usual. I decided to take Weston with me in the pasture since the perimeter of the fence is pretty much surrounded with cattle wire. Of course the little Mutt Finds the one spot the fence is low enough and jumps it. So he had his exercise for the day as well.
I went for a Hike again. I decided to take a path that No one ever walks. I had to climb over some down trees and go through a little water but I was at one point where the trees opened up and the sun came straight down. It was beautiful I stopped and took the warmth from the sun the cool breeze blowing the sounds of the Red Bellied wood pecker searching for a snack. The squirrels running up and down the trees. I even was able to jump a few deer in a patch of thicket and pines. The Air was just warm enough to enjoy but not to warm to not know the we are still embracing the winter months. As I walked through the woods and looked at all the old swine shelters just thinking That My Grandfather and his brothers worked on all of the old things on the property with their own hands and to this day I am able to sit and look at the last remands of some of this. Sad to know that Most of the shelters are buried behind thicket down trees and down fencing. I am so fortunate to be able to take in all of this and appreciate all that I have been blessed to have a part of my life.
I am one happy girl to know that there is so much love from the begging to the end.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Love of a Day

Today has been magnificent. I woke up this morning to the sun shining through the window the air being crisp with a coolness of the morning freeze. The horses greeting Me as I walk out to the gate. Molly was a snuggle button breathing on my neck. I actually love it when she is like that. Of course it helps keep me warm as well. I just lay my hands across her for head and rub in between her ears until she is ready to walk. The we walked to the barn together for some morning breakfast.
Molly is still adjusting to her new stall. I point and she is like okay mom. She is alot happier seeing Doc But Doc is so grumpy when it comes to his food. Always moody, pinning ears, snarling at anyone around.
After they where settled in I came to the house and Did a hour workout yes I loved it as usual it is just motivation myself to get in there and do it. I think Just go do it and it will be a thing of the past. So I went in and I was done in no time.
Spent a hour working on Esther! I love all that I am learning I feel as if I am growing as a christian during this study. I am learning so much about myself and about anger and how I should deal with negative situations. God is Awesome!
I spent most of the afternoon Out doors Took a hike around the property Camera in hand. The temperature was Dropping with every step I took. By the time I cam in My hands where frozen and My feet where on the depth of yelling for a fire to be lit in the fire place.
I am still working steadily on learning the Aperture program I am learning so much with this journey I still miss my Photo shop though. I will be happy to finally get it for my MAC Pro Notebook.
Dinner is done and Homer is waiting on me We are going to Lowes in a few minutes Looking at some different paints for the stall doors to protect it. The temps drop to fast to be able to paint today so hoping for warmer weather tomorrow. The weather is still calling for Snow Friday and Saturday. I guess I will say It is a Blessing I love the snow. I will attempt to embrace it and get some photo Ops in.
Until tomorrow, stay happy and healthy.

Monday, January 25, 2010

One of those DAYS

Well lets see. Today started way to early about 3 in the morning early.. AGH! Wind blowing rains falling down as if we where in the middle of a hurricane. We lost power so the ceiling fan went off so on top of all matters it was warm in the house. Could not find one comfort spot. Homer and I both where dealing with major headaches from the ions and pressure of the atmosphere. It was not a good night sleep at all.

Finally decided to get out of bed at 8 Homer went to work late Rain still pouring down electricity did come back on But still a little late to get any sleep. I went out to check on the Molly and Doc Beings Molly was in her new stall locked in for the night. She seemed to be okay with everything still raining cats and dogs. I left her locked in. Fed them Gave water through alot of hay. If she was going to be locked in I did not want her not to have something to munch on.

Mom and I then went to the Esther Bible study. I for some reason feel so comfortable with most of these woman. I learn so much every week. Today's Discussion was on Mean girls! Wow I completely understand that statement. Also how woman compare themselves. That is a on going discussions. Woman are very judgemental even if you do not realize you are doing it. It opens my eyes up to realize the truth of the matter and how I act towards others and they act toward me and the reaction of both parties. Very good lessons to be learned in life.

Well the sun is shining. I was so happy to see the Sky's part and the sun pop out. The sky's are blue and it is slightly breezy hopefully it will help dry up some of this wet weather. It is suppose to be beautiful the next days almost spring like temps and then the dreaded ice rain and snow Friday and Saturday. Of course I am trying to do fence repairs this week Looks like that may be postponed. What can you do!

ON top of My day I went in to do a workout and my Wii is not working so frustrating. I really love my workouts for the most part but when you no longer have a choice It makes you want to work out Even more. So that is a little aggravating. Hopefully it will reset itself. If it does not reset I will have to send it off to Nintendo. What can you do, Move up and Move on!

Guess I will be painting the inside of the stall doors to keep the weather off of them tomorrow. It is going to be way to pretty to be indoors.

Off to do something I guess.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Rainy Days

Well another dreary day! I am thankful for all the rain at the same time when it is raining there is not much getting done.
I finished week 2 of the Wii Active challenge. It has come to the realization that it is brutal fun and really helping me keep on track and better myself. I feel so much better now that I am back on routine after the Christmas break of 2009.
Molly is in her stall every now and again peering out to see if anything is out side her door. Doc standing in the rain Grazing on the little tidbits of grass that are starting to spring up.
Weston Cuddled beside me on the couch as I work on a new Photography program. Extremely time consuming but I am learning so very much.
Baking bread today one for the in laws and one for our home. The smell of home cooked bread is irresistible.
The noise of National Velvet playing in the Background as I continue to learn the program and relax.
This weekend has so much in stored for me to do. Getting the stalls reset for the new arrival. Setting corner post for the new Fences line to be put in next weekend. Farrier is coming to trim the kids feet. There will be alot more getting done just to much to list.
Stay well stay happy and be Healthy this weekend .

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Natures Wonders

The rain drizzles down the clouds are grey and dreary. The ground soggy like a sponge full of water. the birds huddled close to the trees as the soft winds blow. The squirrels come down the trunks of the trees to get a few bites to eat. As the day goes one the weather will Calm the sun will appear through the broken clouds of drear.

Today has started off wonderfully for me. Molly being her bossy mare self decided to try and get the kitty.. Poor Twinkle Toes! Luckily that silly cat can run. I accomplished a hour circuit training work out. Boy the Wii Active gives you a good work out.. Today was the squat and lunge day lower body and cardio work out.. I am thankful it is over.

ON to better things Homer decided it was time for a new Computer. The upgrade to the Apple. So far I am loving it. The graphics are wonderful. The Photography software is even better. I am hoping this will last a lot longer then the last lap top.

Due to the Rain Homer and I are unable to make it to the lumber yard to pick up the 16ft boards this weekend I have a list of need to get done before the new member comes next month. I can not wait to have him here!

I went for a hike yesterday I love Nature hikes you see some of the most amazing natural wonders. You question why and how things are the way they are. I love it and the way everything is and how the Lord has given us so much to enjoy and respect in our lives.

Time to go smile and enjoy the rest of this wonderful day rain and all.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

No Hurry

Well I am learning so much about who I am and who I am becoming in Christ and through My own eyes.
We all look at one another and wonder how could they possibly have a flaw. Well I am learning that even the most beautiful of women have issues about themselves. I love who I am But there are things about me I am attempting to better. I am okay with that.. Wish it would happen faster. All in good time though. If I wanted everything in a rush I would not respect who I am as a person or the time it takes to achieve such goals.
When we look at women be glad they are who they are and you are who you are because most likely they have issues about themselves that I have about myself and you have about yourself.

Today has been a great day. Busy but good! Funny how life has it's ups and downs but in the end you come out right where you where suppose to be.. So I smile Knowing it is all going to be Okay..
The sun was shinning but not to much time to play looking up fence pricing talked to a Friend for awhile today It is so good to catch up with friends you do not get to talk to often. As for the fence replacement is is going. Rain is due for 3 days this week some times I think it will never get done. I am so looking forward to getting it done and enjoying the gifts it will bring.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A New Day

Mondays are such busy days. By choice of course! My Mom and I are attending a 9 week Bible Course called Esther By Beth Moore. This is week 2 of the Bible Study and I am so loving it. I am learning so much about myself and who I am and why I am in the place of my life. So many questions some with answers some with out but I understand.
This Bible verse was read and it really hit home for me.
" For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Such a powerful piece of scripture!
I stay busy and I love taking photos I pray that God will guide me into the paths I need to go even though as a woman I am headstrong at times and may not like the path I will need to take to get where I need to go. In the end I will be Happy and Blessed to know it is where the Lord wanted me to be the whole time. It is my choice how I get there but hopefully I make the right choices to get there the way it is planned.

I had a great weekend. Homer and I went and picked up the new fence post 40 of them. Now I am trying to get some prices on Electric rope fencing and we need to get to the lumber yard to pick up the 16 ft boards. All in good time it will be accomplished.

Not to much Horsey time it Rained all day yesterday and Saturday was packed with Plans for fencing and preparation. I always enjoy spending my days with Homer. He has been such a blessing as a husband. I can not believe Him and I will have been married 7 yrs in June it feels like we just were married. The blessings of true Love is beyond any dream you can possibly have. Every day is a new day when we have one another to support each other.

As for My health I am doing great I have been faithfully sticking to the 6 week challenge I feel so alive and accomplished. Today is the first day I have not said Ouch due to all the lunges and squats from Thursday and Friday last week. So I am recovered and ready to get in better health and fitness. It is amazing how I have such wonderful family and friends who support me and help me through the hard times and drive me to better myself. Another true blessing in my life.
May your day be blessed you health be good and you life be long.

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Day

Well as I continue to do my work outs.. I ask myself why in the world am I sore. I have been working out for over a year now and to a new work out I used muscles I had not been using.. Thanks Wii Active.

I decided not to let the day go to waste, the sun was shining the birds where out in full force and I needed some time with Molly. Well things changed. Molly my good ol BFF decided to give me the snub but Doc on the other hand was ready to play. He is such a ham at times. Him and I have not always seen eye to eye. We played some games and then I turned him loose for some liberty romping. Boy did I get a fun horse today to play with He started bucking and kicking and just raising the roof with exuberance. He did really well though. He would come to me when asked this is the first time I played at Liberty with him. I then sat and spent a little time he stood over top of me would lay his nose on my arm as if to say I am still here. It is amazing how the two of us have become trusting over one another in the past year. I am thankful that I took the time to enjoy the day with atleast one of my horses.

I cleaned out my trailer today and is airing out the dressing area. Boy when that gets locked up does it start to smell. Swept it and pulled all my Horses blankets out. I usually do not blanket unless traveling long distance in cold weather or Molly decided standing in the cold winter rain is worth catching chill. "silly girl"

The Hawks are out today they are such magnificent creatures. As I was sitting watching the birds I noticed they flocked to the nearby brush and became silent not just like they are done eating silent, Erie silence. I knew that a predator was close by with in seconds the hawk fly's over top. Amazing how if you focus your attention on nature how nature will tell you what is going on with there surrounding's.
Dinner is in the crock pot. It should be a fairly quiet night but who knows what is in store for the evening. Fun family and Laughter.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The times of Blogs

Well here goes a Blog! Yes the new trend of today's time Blogging.
Hi! I am Julie I decided why not start Blogging I do everything else Twitter, Face Book, My Space, Two e-mails & fourms. The different in those things and a Blog for me would be this is going to be a place for me to express everything and how it is effecting my daily life. SO here it is MY blog.
Here is a little about myself. I have 2 horses as of right now. Doc a 1/2 Arabian who was born on the property and will die here as well. Then I have Molly My sweet baby girl American saddlebred she is my BFF. I will be adding on to my Equine family in the near future. I will discuss that in future blogs.
I also Have 1 Male Chocolate Lab "Sir Weston". He is Spoiled Rotten I love him like a child, yes he Even sleeps in the bed with pillows.
I am married to the worlds greatest husband Homer. He will do anything for me as I would him. We are best friends spend every moment together when we are not working. Attached at the hip. HAHA. Not really but we do love spending our days together.
I just finished with my photography classes. Waiting for my Pro Certification now. I am proud to have accomplished something like this. I love the start of something like this but always seem to get stuck in the middle some where. I run Photography By Julie Redd I opened My business in October 2007. My passion is Taking and capturing Nature, people, landscapes also Odd and out of place things that most people would look at and not think nothing else about.
I live on 24 acres of pure God given beauty. It is awesome to hear the birds chirping see the trees budding flowers blooming when spring comes around. The winter night Air filled with thick smoke from locals burning wood to keep warm in the winter. The sunsets and sunrises. Every sight smell and sound is worth waking for.
Grab the day make something of it for you only have one day to live at a time to make your like what you want it.