I find it overwhelming!
Okay the question would be to myself why is it this way?
Stress Money building a house things not moving atthe pace I want them to go.
When I feel overwhelmed My best friend becomes what I put in my mouth. Whatever my hands can grab.
Its frustrating because I try and keep things out of the house that would not be healthy Like brownies cakes chips ect ect.. Everything my tongue and mind think is wonderful.
Of course I have learned that vanilla Fat free yogurt fruit and a little granola gives me the satisfying sensation.
I have put back on probably close to 20 lbs I have lost I feel like I have failed myself. It is so frustrating I get so angry with myself and I beat myself up over the LBS. It just Sucks. Why can I not lose the weight and keep it off. It frustrates the hell out of me. So Now I am back on Weight watchers counting my points and being good. Still have not started working out again. I have a desire to work out I enjoy it but the motivation is not there. :-( If only I can get the drive I had for 2 yrs back.
I sometimes wish that someone else would come think about whats for dinner figure out the points. Heck I wonder what it would be like to be a millionaire and not have to worry about weight have people at your disposal to come meet you force you to work out cook for you.. Of course I kinda like cleaning it gives me a satisfaction of being useful. But still to not have to figure out what to eat not just for me but everyone else as well.
Dreams I know!
Work is picking up again so I am happy about that Next week is booked and busy. Now all the rain that is still coming daily is really putting a damper on the girls coming out riding. I will not complain because We need a great Garden so we can get canning. We are completely out of canned squash and getting mighty low on tomato's.
Life in the world Of Julie can be draining now to get my mind to shut down before 1;30 in the morning so I can start getting to sleep a little earlier Not much to ask for HUH!