Well here we are one month gone of 2011.
So many challenge's weight loss, work, weather, and the frustrations of trying to find my way. Some days it feels like I know everything that I need other days I am so lost.
Today is just another day I woke up and the weather was perfect all to let the temperature drop 20 degrees and make it a cold windy and miserable to even be out for a long period. The weather is going to be in the 60s Saturday. I have not had a ridding lesson since before the second weekend of January it is so wet and the horses look like big mud balls.
On the upside I am working for the next two weeks I have fallen in love with this barn and I have goals for what I would like in a future barn. I am enjoying being involved with horses cleaning stalls the smell the sound and the work. It is so nice!
As for trying to find my way with weight loss I am back on track of eating healthier and trying to stick with a yoga routine to start off with. I am so frustrated because a year ago I lived to workout and I took a few months off and I am in a black hole that I keep trying to dig out of and I have not fully come up. I am finding it hard not to crave my junk food but eventually the cravings will go away.
I am looking forward to warmer weather and seeing the flowers pop up out of the ground only time will give me what I look forward to seeing.
Only time will bring me peace that I need but I am not sure what type of peace I need yet.
Friends come and Go but Depression sticks with you for a life time.