Blaze & My beautiful Niece
"The only time it's too late to change yourself is when you're dead. Until then, you're simply making excuses or lying to yourself."I am on a long journey. It is the a journey that will become my life. To become the person I want to see in the mirror is not something that happens overnight but happens everyday with every breath I take. There are goals and obstacles, it is not an easy task to look at a scale weekly or look in the mirror to see what I am and things I am determined to change.
In Life, I find myself dwelling on things I would like to achieve someone I can be proud of. The first thing I have learns is to judge myself. Nothing is wrong with judging oneself as long as you do not judge others. Judging myself has taught me self discipline.
Second thing I have learned is setting goals that are reasonable for myself. Not what critic doctors or friends say I should be doing for myself but what I want to do for myself. My goals are set to make the right decision for myself for me not to fail. I set goals on my weight loss that where crazy then I realized I was asking to much of myself at one time to set something smaller that was healthy and satisfying with in my own body.
Third thing and the most important thing above all is I am not alone I have God I have Family and I have friends who are there to love me for Me and who I am. To take me as I am! I am not perfect nor will I ever be perfect. I do not want to be perfect my goal is to be happy and Love myself completely from the inside out!
So these are a few things I have learned in the past few weeks. I am down 6.5 Lbs in three weeks. Way above my goal and that is okay but my goal is still the same if I lose more great If I lose my goal weekly Awesome. It will be a long road ahead of my but I have given three weeks of my life so why not stick to it and keep going. Life is to short for me to be unhappy with myself in any way.
Try new things something I am also learning that it is good to try new things. Even things I would be like, "HECK NO I am not eating that" surprisingly 9 out of 10 times I really like it.. Trying new things is not so bad. TO come out side of the box is an adventure.
Now since that is all my weight loss stuff. Onto the Doctor stuff. I have been released for a little bit more activity. I am so afraid to do yoga yet. I have picked up my activities cleaning pastures and walking a bit more being careful and focusing on bending properly and breathing right. Who knew you had to do special things to protect ones back.
As for summer fun My niece was out with me last week but went home Friday. Then the Family took a fishing trip to the bay Saturday. It was such a perfect day to be out on the pier. Wonderful breeze! I did get a bit more sun then I wanted but that is okay. My nephew from South Carolina is up for the month of July. He is adjusting to the new environment pretty well. He came to the barn this morning and helped clean paddocks and stalls. he loved on the horses and the cats. We came into the house and had some breakfast but he pretty much entertains himself.
As for the house plans I get so frustrated with Homer at times but he is so busy and I am bound and determined not to be a nagging wife to get the ball going. So I will sit in the back seat and let him keep driving. I guess as a woman my mind is set on yesterday and not tomorrow. I am just ready for my own house. Where it is just Homer and Myself! I am learning that patience must bring something good in the outcome.
The horses are doing wonderful the Vet came out and said they where all in good health except for the boys being a little on the thin side but she said for me to continue what I am doing That with them being locked up until their full meals are finished should help put on the pounds. I sure hope so cause it is costing me a fortune for all the extra feed.
As for Photography work I have had a bit here and there but I have not been pushing it this year due to my back. I can not haul all my gear around without my back being pulled. So I am being safe so I do not become sorry.