Well, it has been much change in my life since my last post. I went from working 40 plus hours a week to no job. It is all good though. Long story short. I was never sure what my job really was the owner and manager went on vacation the same week. The manager comes back Myself and another no longer have a job we both where hired with in days of one another. Yes, a temp job that they forgot to inform us was a temp.
Oh well. It was fun and I learned much from the publishing end of things.
My focus is on my business. I am getting things together to start sending samples of my work off to hopefully be selected to sell though magazines stores whatever my mind decides may be a good plan.
I recently did a baby photo shoot. It was so much fun spent the day taking tons of pictures and they came out beautifully. I sometimes forget how great photography can be. Me being so judgmental of myself can consume the mind and cause so much devastation to my work.
I am so happy to be home and taking care of my husband and spending time with the horses and dogs again. It is an adjustment but I am okay with what Gods plans are for me.
May the road be bumpy but the destination be worth it?